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Vee POV:

This is a bad idea, such a stupidly bad idea.

"Will you stop stressing, it's just a dinner with friends," Matt tells me.

"It's more than that and you know it, these people haven't all been in the same room together in... I don't even know how long and now we are going to have Jenna who somehow still doesn't know about the supernatural, Tyler who doesn't know I am carrying his uncle's baby, Damon and Stefan who don't know about Elijah, and let's not forget Elena who-"

"Alright, alright I get it, so there might be some drama, just means it's thanksgiving... people will drink, eat dry turkey, fight, and then cap the day with pie, we'll survive it."

"I am looking forward to the pie," I admit to Matt

During the 3 weeks since I had last seen Elijah and asked him to kiss me, Uncle John had come into town and given Damon the dagger and ash needless to say he didn't hesitate to use it.

However, unlike how it originally played out instead of running straight to the lake house to confront Elena, Elijah stopped by my place instead.



I hear pounding on the door and run to answer it,

it's Elijah but he's disheveled and dusty, my eyes widen as I realize he must have just been daggered.

"Oh, god. Are you alright?"

"Funny thing, I had a stabbing pain in my chest not that long ago. My first instinct is to chase after the doppelganger who betrayed her word and take her away from the Salvatores as punishment. Thought since you still owe me for my blood I might check in with you on that plan."

I nod and pause a moment having to think about how I want to phrase my response,

"If you do go to the lake house, things might get bloody and if you don't check your six when approaching the threshold you might end up with another stabbing pain." 

"I might huh?"

"It's a possibility," I confirm.

He nods, ''consider your debt wiped."

He speeds off only to flashback a second later, grabbing me by my waist and kissing the hell out of me only to disappear again in my next breath. 


Since then as far as Damon, Stefan, and Elena were concerned Elijah had simply vanished. They were constantly anxious over when he would pop up again and I was staying silent on the matter.

Matt rings the bell to the boarding house and we are shown inside by Stefan,

"Oh, goody the quarterback and dropout have arrived." Damon quips

"Yes Damon, I stopped going to culinary school, awesome burn."

"It's not as funny if you explain it," he complains and I roll my eyes.

"Uh so who else are we waiting for?" Matt asks,

"Just Tyler and Caroline I think," Stefan says, 

I look over to Matt to see if he's okay, I know he and Caroline went out first but due to the drama with my kidnapping they didn't work out. I wasn't sure how he felt about her and his best friend getting close.

Elena comes from the kitchen and walks over to me, "Hey did you get the lease agreement?" she asks having agreed to let me move in and set up my shop in her dad's old practice at least for 2 years.

"Yeah, thanks I actually brought it with me, and I can pay for the first year upfront."

"Wow, really how?" she asks.

"You didn't hear she has baby daddy money now," Damon says spilling the beans of my pregnancy

"Wait, you're pregnant?" Elena asks shocked

of course just then Caroline and Tyler walk in and overhear,

"Who's pregnant?" Caroline asks,

"That would be me," I volunteer just to get this over with.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I thought for sure you'd get knocked up long before now," ugh when will someone just make her a vampire already so I can actually like her.

"Thanks, Caroline," I tell her swallowing a more bitchy reply. 

"How are you feeling?" Tyler asks, I think due to my help getting him a moon ring he genuinely wants to know and check in with me which is sweet.

"I'm alright, morning sickness has mostly past, thanks Ty."

Jenna comes in next from the kitchen, "Oh good, everyone's here dinner's ready."

Thank god.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a bit with everyone just eating.

"You always know the food is good when no one's talking," Jenna says uncomfortably. 

"The food is great Jenna," Elena says trying to be encouraging.

"Thanks, I wanted to try and get all of us together, it won't be long before you are all off at college," Jenna says.

Elena and Stefan share a look not knowing when someone will try and sacrifice her and losing Elijah as their ally has led to a very uncertain future. 

"Enzo couldn't make it?" I ask Damon, I was excited the two were closer to patching things up.

"Last I heard he was making his way over to Hawaii to learn some dance moves from hula girls."

I laugh, "wow I would pay good money to see Enzo in a grass skirt."

"You and me both sister," Damon comments

*Ding Dong*

"Wonder who that could be?"

Damon gets up and answers the door to find Niklaus standing there, but Damon nor anyone other than me knows what he looks like.

"Jesus" I murmur, Klaus makes eye contact I guess having heard me, shit.

"Who the hell are you?" oh Damon, not smart.

"I am Klaus and I am here for my doppelganger," the atmosphere changes on a dime.

Stefan rushes over to Elena pulls her out of her chair and behind him.

"What's going on?" Jenna asks confused but intelligent enough to know to be alarmed.

"Ah yes, the guardian. You are even lovelier than what was described, terribly sorry to have interrupted dinner, but you see I just don't have much to be thankful for at the moment but then I thought to myself why not change things up, make my own luck."

"Fantastic speech there Billy Zane but your not getting Elena," Damon tells him.

"Well, I have almost everything else, except for one thing, the moonstone. So here's my proposition hand it over and I will have my witches find a way for the lovely Elena to survive this sacrifice."

"Sacrifice," Jenna gasps.

"Little problem, we don't have it, last we saw Katherine Pierce had taken it," Stefan informs him.

"Ah Katarina, the last doppelganger to disappoint me, such a shame I had to slaughter her entire family in retaliation, it would be a shame if the same thing had to happen here. You have until Christmas to find my perfect gift otherwise, the bodies will start piling up."

He turns around to leave but stops, "Oh have a lovely thanksgiving,"

A Dangerous Desire- Elijah x OCWhere stories live. Discover now