Halloween Special - Part One (Multi)

Start from the beginning

"Here, let me just- perfect!" False backed up from her girlfriend after adjusting her halo. "You're the prettiest angel ever!" she gushed.

"Aw, thanks, babe! And I'm really glad you agreed to do a couple's costume," Stress smiled, admiring her blonde girlfriend.

"Yeah, I guess the devil look suits me," the blonde grinned, smoothing her dress. "Although, I would've liked wearing the banana costume," she sighed, glancing over at the costume laying on her bed.

"I know, but I just want our first Halloween together to be perfect. No one knows we're together yet, after all," the brunette kissed her cheek and squeezed her hand.

"You're right, you're right. But next year I'm wearing that costume,"

"Oh definitely,"

The two girlfriends stood outside the giant mansion doors, squeezing each other's hand.

"So we're not going to say anything?" False double-checked.

"Nah, let them figure it out on their own," Stress smiled.

The blondie planted a quick kiss on her temple before knocking on the doors.

"Huzzah! Our first guests have arrived!" Grian practically tripped over his skirt as he made his way towards the door.

"Woah, hey, be careful dear!" Mumbo worried, trailing after him.

Opening the front doors, a wide smile spread across the blondes' face.

"Welcome, ladies to the Halloween party!" he exclaimed.

"Thank you for hosting!" Stress said as the two entered. Not too long after, Xisuma and Hypno arrived.

"Wow Grian, this place looks great!" Xisuma remarked, running a hand through his fuzzy wig.

"Why am I not surprised you dressed up as a bee?" Grian giggled, leaning up to flick one of the antennas.

"Half-bee person," the admin corrected. "Thanks again for volunteering to host the party, I really appreciate it,"

"Woah, I think this is the first time I've seen your mansion," Hypno exclaimed, looking around. Orange and black balloons were floating all around, some tied to legs of tables and chairs, others floating freely, bouncing off the ceiling. Streamers of the same colors were hung between the lights, and little wall decals of white ghosts, orange pumpkins, black bats, and purple witches were scattered everywhere. He could hear This is Halloween floating from the speakers across the dance floor. "Nice skeletons," he laughed, glancing between the two skeletons in bow ties and top hats that stood on either side of the doorway.

"Nice cat costume!" Mumbo commented.

"Thanks, I decided to be my cat, Max," he explained, flicking the grey ears on his head.

"Gah! Scar!" the blonde yelled, followed by a fit of giggles. "Get off me!" he laughed, shoving the tall male dressed as Tigger. He and Cub, who was dressed as Pooh, laughed as they helped the vampire queen stand up.

"Welcome!" the vampire king called, leaving Hypno to the snack table as he joined his boyfriend.

"This looks great!" Cub, like everyone else, was pretty impressed. Linking his arm with his boyfriend, they walked around the mansion.

"Ooh, we should dance!" Scar insisted, tugging Cub's arm. They made their way over to Stress and False who were also dancing to join in.

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