He is a murderer.

He left me with a king and queen to mercilessly kill people who have done no harm to him.

My bitter anger is toxic as I kick the wooden table next to me. King Ivan watches in surprise when it comes crashing down to pieces.

"DAMN YOU, DESMOND STYLES. ROT IN HELL!" My loud holler echoes throughout the courtroom. Slowly falling to my knees, I lower my head in utter shame.

I am the son of a killer.

Looking up at King Ivan through my eyelashes, I see him staring down at me. From this point on, I look at him differently too. "My son, it is completely reasonable and you have ever right to be upset. But I'm afraid you have not heard the worst yet."

When he says this, my head shoots back up to look at him clearly. I say nothing whilst waiting for him to continue.

"This is the vengeance for a death only the Courageous filths are responsible for." King Ivan speaks while fiddling with his fingers, hesitating in the slightest way.

"The death of who?" I inquire impatiently, looking up at him with my restless eyes. He sighs, refusing to make eye contact with me.

"Anne Cox."

At that very instant, I feel lightheaded and a sudden fiery pit burns deep inside my stomach. My heart is racing and my brain is scattered with sad and gruesome thoughts.

"M-My mother?" I stammer as warm tears spill from my eyes. Nothing is worse than finding out you've been living a life of lies for so long.

King Ivan nods apologetically.

And that's the last thing I see before my vision goes black.



As I thoughtfully chew my food, I think about what this new guard might be like. I don't know what to expect- although, based on Laura's enlightening description of him, he seems like quite the charmer.

Usually my father-the Courageous king- makes sure that all the employees he hires are decent. However, unnecessary thoughts fill my mind- causing my stomach to churn with angst. What if the new guard has thousands of piercings? What if he's a sick perv? What if-

"What's wrong, dear?" I don't notice my father looking at me from across the table as he lowers the glass of red wine from his lips. Almost choking on my food, I leap back into my seat with startled eyes.

"Me? Nothing." I say, shaking my head. Tucking in a loose strand of dirty blond hair behind my ear, I pick up my silver fork. Unfortunately, my clammy fingertips cause it to fall onto my plate with a clink. The rude noise is pretty loud so it grabs the attention of everyone. I awkwardly slouch back in my seat when they all turn their heads to stare at me. "Sorry, everyone." I murmur.

My mother gives me a disapproving glare, and shakes her head. Still feeling the pink tint etched onto my cheeks, I grab my cutlery again and pick at my food. All my hunger has suddenly left me.

"May I be excused?", I ask shortly after. Father gives me stern little nod and so I immediately get off my chair and walk off into the long hallway. Once I am out of my parents' sight, I run into the kitchen. The first time I see is the castle's cook, Niall, tasting a dish near the stovetop.

I sneak up on him. "Guess who!" He jumps at the volume of my voice. I throw my head back with laughter as his face turns redder than the tomatoes on the cutting board.

"Have you heard about the new guard?" The bothersome question tumbles from my mouth impatiently. Picking up a piece of tomato off the cutting board, I pop it in my mouth. Niall slaps my hand away playfully.

"Yeah...," He trails off and I can tell that he's uncomfortable with the topic. "How did you find out about him?" He asks, placing his hands on his hips.

I divert my gaze to the white, stone walls behind him. "Oh....you know, I have my ways." I simply say as Niall begins plating the next course.

"Mmm smells great!" I hum, closing my eyes to the indescribable aroma. Niall shoots me a wierd look.

"Then why aren't you having supper?" His thick irish accent speaks for him. I have to admit, it is quite attractive.

"Hmm?" My eyes are wide and I feel foolish. Never will I tell anyone that I'm bothered and worried by this new guy who is yet to arrive at the castle. It's not like I even care about this guard anyway.

Stupid guard.



"Harry, are you alright son?" The faint voice of King Ivan hovers over my head. My eyes struggle to open as the light blinds me. Wincing in pain, I feel the ache in my muscles. Mother Queen has her warm palm resting on my forehead; I am able to see the deep concern in her eyes. Turning my head slightly, I see King Ivan sitting on the red armchair beside the bed I am lying on. I nod stiffly.

"Water please." My voice is deep and raspy as I pull myself up- shifting all my weight to my elbow. Almost immediately, the head maid hands a glass of water over to Mother Queen. She brings it over to my dry, cracked lips. I take a huge gulp of the lukewarm water and as I drink, I remember what had happened. Furrowing my eyebrows, I push the glass away.

"King, I want revenge!" I raise my voice, causing Mother Queen to be startled. Getting out of the comfort of the blankets, I get off the bed and stand tall. My balance is weak at first but I am stable. King Ivan stands up in front of me.

"That is why I got you an important job." He puts his hand on my shoulder firmly and speaks, looking into my eyes. Confusion displays on my face.

"What do you say about about being a guard at the Courageous kingdom?", he says and a small, somewhat dark smile spreads onto the span of his face.

I don't think before I respond. All I want is justice to my mother. "Yes, that is an excellent idea."

I shall have no mercy for the heartless people who killed my mother.

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