"Nothing wrong with being on the bottom bunk though." Raven says while she kisses Luna's cheek.

"So..." Aden thinks for a moment, "Can I be a top." Luna can't hold in her laughter anymore.

"Of course." Lexa says and Aden smiles.

"I am going to go tell mom I'm a top." Aden cheers, but Raven is able to catch him and hold the little person in her arms.

"No, Aden. This is going to be a little secret between all of us, okay?" Aden nods at what Raven says, "Good, now go watch Tom and Jerry." Raven puts Aden down and he runs out of the room.

Luna is still laughing. Clarke is watching Lexa pet Bongo and Raven is letting out a sigh of relief that they just got away with that.

"Next time... be quiet so we won't have to deal with that." Raven points at Clarke and Lexa.

"If we were so loud, why didn't you try and tell us to shut up?" Clarke asks while bringing hers and Lexa's empty bowls to the sink.

"I didn't want to be yelled at." Raven shrugs.

"You just want something to complain about." Lexa says and Raven gasps at her.

"How dare you think that." Raven says and Anya walks into the kitchen.

"Hey kids. Did you four hear about Becca Priemheda? She made a cure for the virus and it is being distributed door by door. People should be here some time today to give us the sure." Anya explains and the four just look at her in shock.

"We missed that?" Raven asks and Anya nods, "How could we not have known about the cure when we got back?"

"Probably cause we got back yesterday." Lexa says while sipping coffee.

"Well... just be ready for that. Also, Lex and Lun, you have that wisdom teeth appointment. They are coming out tomorrow." Anya points are her daughters.

Both Lexa and Luna groan while Raven and Clarke smile. They have been waiting to watch the Woods twins under the laughing gas. It is going to be fun to watch.

"Do we have to? Because I could be smarter, make better decisions with them in." Lexa says and Luna points at her in agreement.

"I mean they are called wisdom teeth." Luna says and Anya rolls her eyes.

"That's not how it works. They are coming out tomorrow." Anya says then she leaves the room. Raven and Clarke just laugh at the twins.


There is a knock at the door and Lexa answers it. Two men with lab coats are standing there with a metal brief case.

One of the doctors, the taller one, has dark hair and a soft smile. He has this calming presence to him that the other man doesn't have. The other man is an older gentleman with smile wrinkles around his mouth. His grey hair is slowly turning white. He is here for business.

"Hello, I am Dr. Mazon and this is my associate Dr. Howard." The taller man says, motioning to the scientists next to him, "We are here to give you the vaccine and then sign a few papers. We will be out of your hair in no time."

Lexa nods at the man then opens the door. The brunette leads the two men into the living room, where everyone is gathered to watch Tom and Jerry.

Anya stands to greet the men, "You must be the vaccine people." They shake hands. Dr. Howard puts the briefcase down on the coffee table and opens it. Aden gets a little scared so he runs straight over to Lexa.

Lexa sits down on the love seat and puts Aden in her lap, "These men are going to make sure we are safe from the bad sickness outside." Lexa explains and Aden watches them with worried eyes, "Could you guys do me and Aden last so he sees that it is okay?" Lexa asks and Dr. Mazon smiles.

"Of course." He says while he gets the first shot ready. Dr. Mazon goes to Luna first while Dr. Howard takes care of Raven. Aden watches the whole time. Lexa looks at Clarke, who is looking at the needle.

"Klark." Lexa says softly, just to get her attention. Clarke looks up at Lexa, who is nodding her head asking Clarke to come over to her. Clarke sits on the love seat arm rests while holding Lexa's hand.

Dr. Mazon comes to Clarke next, while Dr. Howard treats Anya. Clarke squeezes Lexa's hand while the vaccine is pushed into her system. Dr. Mazon pulls the small needle out of Clarke's arm and puts a cotton ball against the bleeding spot.

"Okay, now it is my turn." Lexa says while she puts out her arm for Dr. Mazon. Aden watches Lexa get the shot. At the end, Aden looks up at Lexa and shakes his head, "It's okay, buddy. I promise it will be over before you even know it. I also think there is some ice cream in the freezer for the people that got the shots."

Aden's eyes light up at the word ice cream. Dr. Mazon smiles at the two while slowly taking Aden's arm. Aden reaches out for Clarke's hand while burying his head in Lexa's neck.

Dr. Mazon gives him the shot. Aden lets out a little noise of pain. When the doctor is done everyone in the room, except Dr. Howard, cheers for Aden. He smiles with a little tear hanging from his eyelashes.

Lexa wipes the tear away while she talks to him, "Go get some ice cream." Lexa says while lifting Aden off her lap and placing him on the floor.

Clarke kisses Lexa's cheek. Everything she just saw was way too adorable. Dr. Howard walks up to Anya and holds out a clip board.

"We need everyone's signature, as the legal guardian of Aden Woods we need you to sign for him too." Dr. Howard's scratchy voice says like he is reading from a scripted.

Everyone passes the clipboard around and signs it. Once the doctors are done, Lexa leads them to the door. Dr. Mazon gives her a warm smile while leaving. Dr. Howard just walks out with his old frown.


"How bout this one?" Clarke asks while scrolling through apartments on her lap top. Lexa looks at it and smiles, "Seems to have everything we are looking for."

Lexa closes the lap top and moves it to the side of the bed they are laying in. Clarke just smiles at Lexa who grins back at her.

"This is insane... about a year and a half ago I met you in the court yard of our old high school and now we are getting our own apartment together?" Lexa smiles.

"I know, it might be a lot-" Clarke starts but Lexa stops her with a kiss.

"It isn't a lot. It is a dream. When I first laid my eyes on you I knew you were special and I knew I wanted you in my life... now here you are. Telling me you love me and looking at apartments with me. You are my everything, Klark." Lexa says then pulls Clarke into a deep kiss.

"I love you, Lexa." Lexa kisses Clarke again, "And I am going to love watching you on the painkillers." Lexa groans and rolls away from Clarke.

"Nevermind. I don't like you." Lexa states and Clarke laughs while getting in the position to spoon Lexa. Lexa lets out a sigh while pushing herself farther against Clarke.

Clarke laughs a little and kisses her girlfriends neck, "Definitely a bottom."

"Shut up."

Hey guys. I know the virus thing might be a little weird but I really need to move my story forward and to do that I need to get rid of the virus. Hope you guys are safe and all good. Two days till the last ep of the 100.

My messages work if you wanna talk or anything I am here. Sorry for the weak updates. I have been really busy but I promise they will get better.

One more thing, my phone is homophobic and broken so if there are a lot of mistakes in this chapter just know I tried.

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