Ch. 35: I'm not a fucking teenager!

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The pizzas had arrived a little later and after eating they were all seated around Jace's large coffee table drinking and laughing at each other. Gareth had been open and humorous, even Phoenix had cracked a smile here and there. The five of them were having a good evening.

"Since this is a girl's night, how about a game of truth and dare?" Jace suggested and gave Mackenzie a wink.

Phoenix grumbled to himself. "I'm not a fucking teenager!"
"Live a little, big guy," Jace punched his arm. "Even G-man is ok with it. Don't be such a spoil sport."

Phoenix huffed and grabbed his beer not arguing further.

"No unfair questions," Gareth said looking at Mackenzie to ensure her that they would not pry into her personal business.

"I'm game," Cracker laughed. "But I'm not cleaning your bathroom or some shit, Jace."
"Ok, Phoenix go first. Ask somebody." Mackenzie encouraged Phoenix to let loose and join the fun.
"Sure, G-man. Truth or dare?"
"Truth," Gareth replied with an amused smile.

It would be interesting if not fun knowing what his guys wanted to know about him. Not that he kept many secrets, but he valued some of his privacy. And he looked forward to what Mackenzie's twisted little mind would come up with. She was beaming with excitement and he could see the little evil wheels of her mind turning already.

"If you did not have to do the line of work you do, what would you have done with your life?"

Good question. Gareth gave it some thought. Very good question indeed.

"When I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming a racecar driver. But if I had had the choice growing up, I'd have pursued my love of swimming and hopefully done it competitively."

Phoenix raised an eyebrow not expecting that from Gareth.

"Jace, truth or dare?" Gareth continued the game.

Naturally Jace would choose that.

"Do 3 shots straight, then turn 10 times fast and finish with 20 pushups."
Jace rolled his eyes. "Piece of cake."

Grinning from ear to ear Jace sat down after his pushups, he had barely broken a sweat, they had all laughed the entire time because he could not keep from grunting profanities at Gareth.

"Buttercup, truth or dare?"
"If taking you on a date, where's the worst place a guy could take you?"

Gareth silently thanked Jace for that possible little insight into Mackenzie's mind. It would be nice to know, not that he really was that adventurous when it came to dates. He liked the traditional dinner and drinks combo. Movies gave no possibility to talk and he did not want to go gokarting or something interactive because women usually did not appreciate when their efforts to look good were ruined.

With Mackenzie he would be willing to do anything though. If she wanted to go skydiving or if she wanted a day at the planetarium, he would do it, just to see her smile.

Gareth smiled to himself. He could practically hear the whip cracking and Jace's laughter at how whipped he was for Mackenzie.

"On a boat. You have no idea how I hate boats."
"Boats? Really? Why?" Phoenix dared to ask.
"Rich boy ego booster. Like, don't they know how to pick a decent restaurant? I don't want to see their toys, I want to see them and have their time and attention, not listen to them talk maritime with their bathtub ducky."

She shrugged.

"I don't own a boat," Gareth leaned in and whispered to her. "Do I pass?"

She slapped his arm. "Dumbass." Mackenzie turned her attention to the guys who were snickering at her comment. "Cracker. Truth or dare?"
"Truth," he croaked downing his drink for courage.

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