Ch. 141: And...?

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Crawling through the field outside the compound, Stanislav coordinated all the snipers into position. Usually that would have been Cracker's job, that night it was Stanislav's.

The terrain was flat and there was not much cover for them to move unseen, so they had to stay low, luckily the cover of night helped a lot. The January air was cold and the ground almost frozen though there was no snow.

The grass crunched under them as they crawled, breaking from their weight. Night vision goggles helped to keep a good view of the area they were assigned to.

Scouts had been out there all day marking where the best targets were, when guards had their shifts changed and any change in numbers which could prove important. Any rotation in guards could be an advantage when storming the place. All information had been given to the hackers who had made simulations for the leaders to go through and figure out where and how they would be best placed.

Stanislav had 24 snipers, each with their own set of coordinates to sneak to and wait for the go ahead. They were supposed to be the ones clearing the way for the ground teams. Take down perimeter guards and lookouts fast and silently. Then they would have to move in and help the ground teams.

They set up their riffles and confirmed locations to Stanislav who relayed the information to Lady Luck, the hacker team coordinator.

"Snipers have moved in and are in place," Lady Luck informed through the comm link for all to know.

The ground teams moved in from 3 different sides with their own entry point and then mission based locations to reach once inside.

One of the groups were to enter from the southern parking lot, where they would neutralize the people in the house and area guards the snipers had not taken out. The many cars parked there offered a good deal of cover for them while moving in after having cut a hole in the fence surrounding it.

Lucky for them, Vasyl had accepted enough sick fuckers to attend the party and called in enough men to have plenty of cars fill the lot.

Guided by the snipers on that side, two men had crawled in and cut the fence leaving only two points to cut when they moved in. An open hole in the fence would raise a lot of suspicion they did not need, so they had to leave it looking intact until the last minute.

From the looks of it, not many guards were assigned parking duty. So far there was no sign of Vasyl being onto them coming. He might be that far up his own ass that he thought they would not find out his choice of venue for his devious plan. Believing what he did was foolproof.

Delusions of grandeur was working for them.

"Parking lot teams are in place and holding. All the cars there give excellent cover," Aces confirmed about his teams.

Another group had to enter from the main entrance of the compound. It was on the Western side almost at the North end wall. Guard buildings were on both sides of the wide entrance area where two huge iron gates were controlled to let people in and out. It was the only road into the compound leading from the main road some miles away.

Nobody came there by accident. Most people had no idea it was there, and the few who did knew it had been closed down. There was no reason for anybody to go there unless with a purpose. That meant that once Vasyl's guests and men were inside, the probability of more people coming by was very slim.

The scouts, who had been sent to keep track of the entrance, had reported back that the gates moved slowly but silently when opened and closed. The good thing about the entrance area was though the gates were impenetrable, there was a small building between the two gates and a door for walking visitors. The iron door in the same material as the gates could be easily opened with a small explosive charge.

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