Ch. 68: You were drooling a little bit

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Mackenzie was nervously devouring her piece of chocolate cake standing alone by the window looking out into the garden at Gareth and Anthony who were walking back to the house from wherever they had been. She knew they had known each other for years but she had no idea why they would be talking all mysteriously alone in the garden.

Maybe he needed a guy talk with somebody not close to her. All Gareth's guys knew her and were rooting for them to be together, perhaps he needed an opinion from somebody not in the mix of things. Mackenzie had no idea, but she found her own reasoning plausible.

Their little spontaneous trip to Spain had been what they needed. Things had been moderately awkward between them after their date. They had both tried not to be weird around each other, still she had felt Gareth be jittery. Not because he waited for her answer, he was calm about that, he was used to the wait it seemed, she had noticed him hovering and glancing at her when he thought she was not aware.

The only reason for that could be he was nervous that she would have a meltdown of some sort. He had gone inside her head and pushed her over the edge, he had played with her mind and made her body accept much more than she had thought they would share on their first night. Or ever for that matter.

No regrets at all.

Not about that at least.

On Sunday when she had left his room she had cried on the floor for long before she had fallen asleep there. Gareth had woken her up in the evening by knocking on her door telling her he had ordered a pizza for her and it was waiting by her door. He had placed a soda and the soothing ointment with the pizza for her. Other than that, he had left her alone, probably because he had needed time too.

She had eaten in her room and not come out and Gareth being Gareth had sent her a text telling her he had called her in sick on Monday for her to recuperate.

Soon she would know, she tried to convince herself of the opposite, but she knew. Things would get bad, and Gareth would get hurt.

The one thing she had never wanted.

When he had asked her if she had wanted to come with him to Spain she had seen it as a great opportunity to get away from the pressure and maybe have some time where they could be themselves.

A chance to not fear the future.

"He's a handsome man. Your husband?"
"Who?" Mackenzie turned and came face to face with one of the newcomers to the group, a stunningly beautiful woman with a soft smile and a friendly way about her. Her name, not a chance in hell she could remember that.
"The one looking a lot like my husband and him were separated at birth." The beauty pointed at Gareth and Anthony. "You were drooling a little bit," she added with a teasing laugh.

Mackenzie blushed big time and then she noticed the humorous glint in the woman's eyes. She was having fun at her expense which made Mackenzie relax and smile.

"No, he's not my husband. He's a friend." Somehow it felt wrong lying to the nice woman. "We're not there yet. But we're testing the waters."
"Testing the waters, eh? You look like you're ready to skip the bikini and jump in nude." She laughed again. "I'm Lorelai. Tony and I got married not too long ago and I'm feeling really new and don't know anybody other than Tony's siblings."
"I'm Mackenzie."

Lorelai smiled happily. "Come, introduce me to your guy."

Mackenzie just smiled and walked with her to meet the guys who had made their way to the bar. Typically Gareth to go for the bar. Gareth turned, just before they reached them, with a glass of whiskey and what looked to be a gin and lime in his hands. He did not have time to scan the room for her, he saw her instantly and smiled.

"Two souls," he murmured sensually and handed her the drink. "You ok, malyshka? I'm sorry I just had some business to talk with Tony, I didn't mean to ditch you."
"I'm fine. I ran into this lovely woman. I think we were both ditched, so we kept each other company."

Mackenzie took the drink and walked into Gareth's embrace because he kept holding out his arm for her.

"It's nice to see you again, Mackenzie." Tony already had his arms around Lorelai in the same possessive way Gareth had his around Mackenzie.
"Same, Tony. Congratulations on your marriage."
"Thank you. I never get tired of hearing that," Tony laughed with a gentle smile. "Every time I hear it, I get reminded that she said yes."

Gareth did not want to admit it, but he got a little jealous with what Tony said. It was clear as day that Tony was in love, and he deserved every bit of happiness, it just got to him. He was not stupid enough to believe marriage would be in the cards for him and Mackenzie, at least not until hell froze over, but a small part of that happiness he would like to experience. Just some of it. A few months without having to weigh every step with her.

A time to just be with her.

Anthony apparently knew exactly what he was thinking and sent him an encouraging smile. They all felt it. They all knew. Gareth and Mackenzie had something, and they wanted that something to become everything.

For their happiness.

"Look, Harrison, you were right, he does like her!"

A child voice carried through the living room making everybody stop in their tracks and turn their heads. On the floor Kenneth and Solar were kissing and one of Kenneth's kids were smiling happily seeking the attention of his brother.

"See! I was right. I told you so!" Kenneth's other kid yelled back from the other end of the room with satisfaction in his voice.

Mackenzie turned in his arms and stifled a laugh into his chest.

"What's so funny, dolly?"
"I just imagined Jace doing that to us," Mackenzie giggled and smiled at him with big bright eyes.

It was funny because Jace could easily have done something like that. Hell, he still had time to do it if they gave him the slightest opportunity.

"At least he's not here now."

Gareth leaned down and kissed her.

"Am I to announce it to the room, like Coven did, or are you two going to make it official, so I don't have to?" Tony was smirking knowingly. And he kept smiling though Lorelai gave him a rather harsh elbow to the gut.

"No announcements, thank you." Gareth was about to get a little annoyed with Tony and tell him to lay off, but his phone luckily stopped him from saying something he might regret.

He drew his phone from his pocket and gave Tony and Lorelai an apologetic smile then he pecked a kiss on Mackenzie's forehead. "It's Vasili, I have to take it."

Mackenzie just smiled and stepped out of his embrace letting him walk away from them while he accepted the call.

"This better be important, Vasili," Gareth grumbled.
"I need you back ASAP." Vasili did not even care to make pleasantries or give back on Gareth's greeting. "There's something going down, I've put Horse on it, but you have to be here."
"Call my pilot and have him prepare the jet and issue a flight plan home. Anatolij's waiting at Barajas International. I'll get Mackenzie packed up."

Hi y'all.

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Love Alix

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