Ch. 7: Better look at this

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"Are you sure they're in there?" Gareth whispered slightly agitated conveying his words through the earpiece communication device from his crouching position in the bushes next to the warehouse.

Gareth wasn't supposed to be there.

Over the last months there had been break ins at his warehouses and buildings across town and he had put men on it to investigate. He had gotten reports every time and he was trying to figure out the reasoning from what had been stolen and destroyed.

So far to no avail.

The team in charge had put surveillance on the important places and when the message about a current break in had come, he had wanted to be there.

He needed answers.

"Aye, 5 of them, they've been there for about 20 minutes," Cracker replied from his position on the other side of the warehouse.

Cracker was former military; he had done special ops and was the lead of Gareth's surveillance teams.

After being dishonorably discharged from the military he had gone rogue and lived as a hitman. One day for no apparent reason he had decided to contact Gareth and offered his services. Gareth at the time had only been 22 and already quite known in the underground.

Suspicious and precautious.

It had taken Gareth some years to completely trust Cracker, in the end, he had proved his loyalty as well as his abilities to Gareth's satisfaction.

If Cracker said or did anything Gareth gave him his full support.

When things were not work-related Cracker and Gareth hung out a lot like friends. They had had their fair amount of nights on the town with subsequent hangovers and feeling sorry for themselves blaming each other in the process.

Unlike Gareth who always looked like he had just exited a GQ fashion photo shoot with his impeccable suits, hand-sewn Italian shoes, expensive but tasteful accessories and perfectly groomed hair; Cracker preferred his jeans and t-shirts showing off his immaculate physique and tattoos. But when they went out Cracker cleaned up nicely. In a suit with his shoulder length dark brown hair in a manbun and a smoldering sexy look in his forest green eyes they were a panty-dropping sight.

"Ok, give them 5 more minutes, then Beta team storm in. Gamma and Delta keep all exits blocked. Alpha, get ready to move in when Beta gives the go."
"Code?" somebody asked.
"Blue," Gareth answered, meaning shoot to kill if necessary, take alive if possible.

He was gritting his teeth.

Whomever had the balls to break into his warehouse, he needed to talk with, and they would better have answers for him.

All four teams were in black night-ops combat gear, loaded with weapons. Gareth knew his men and they knew how to do their jobs, there was not one he did not trust to execute the plan.

Gareth was calm and kept his rational cool, he never went into situations like that without taking every precaution. Having men, he trusted, was a crucial part of those precautions.

Staying cool did not mean he was not raging on the inside. Who the fuck dared to mess with him? The city was his and had been for many years. It did not matter which crime syndicate; they all knew the territories of the others.

Going against his house name, was not wise at all.

Each team consisting of 6 men moved in when Gareth gave the signal. Having the keys to the warehouse was an advantage and within seconds of arriving at the two main doors, one at the entrance and one at the loading area, Beta team went in.

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