Ch. 95: Relax and enjoy

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The double meaning was definitely not lost on Gareth.

He looked at her intensely while clenching his fists to not reach out for her. He waited, all tensed up, waited until she nodded slightly and lowered her eyes for him.

"Dolly... I've been drinking today."
"I consent, Gareth. I trust you."
"Help me clear all this and close off the terrace?"

Together they carried everything downstairs and turned off the heaters and lights. The sexual tension between them was palpable, they innocently bumped elbows and rubbed up against each other like hormonal teenagers while they worked together to clear everything away.

Cupping her cheek controlling himself greatly, Gareth smiled at Mackenzie. "Give me 10-15 minutes to prepare the bedroom? You can go to your old room and use the bathroom if you need it, or just stay here and have a drink. I'll be fast." He paused. "Do you want me to get the corsage for you?"
"Already wearing it."

Gareth hissed at that information.

Mackenzie turned her head, kissed his hand and walked off to her old room. When she was done in the bathroom, she checked her makeup and did a little damage control after her cry session earlier. She removed her jewelry, just in case. She kept a keen eye on the clock, just waiting with nervous anticipation. If he had to prepare the bedroom, he could be preparing something wild.

She was ready for it, she wanted it.

Nothing in the world felt as good as his attention to her. Somehow, she was still nervous, maybe a little scared of the unknown, not him, the unknown of what his desires and experience would have in store for her.

It was exhilarating.

Mackenzie felt how her blood pumped and her skin had become sensitive, he had not touched her, and she already felt him. She was excited.

Ok, she was downright horny.

When she figured he had had enough time she went to their bedroom. Knocking to be sure he was ready, if he needed more time, he could tell her.

"Come in, malyshka."
She poked her head in. "Are you ready, I can wait, if you're not."
"Just get in here."

Whatever Mackenzie had imagined of chains, restraints and possible implements or toys Gareth could have been getting ready, she saw none of it.

There were candles lit around the room. On the nightstand were fresh champagne glasses and a new bottle was in a cooler. The light had been dimmed giving the candles a chance to come into their right. On the bed he had spread out an almost bed-sized towel with a few more in a neatly folded stack near the headboard. The heat had been turned up and the heating vents blew in air making the room feel warm and somewhat humid.

Surprised, she studied everything in the room and took in the careful attention to detail he had put into his preparations. That was when she spotted the massage oil next to a large candle on the other nightstand.

Mackenzie had not noticed she was smiling until Gareth came over to her and whispered huskily leaning down to her ear, "Did I do good?"
"Oh, yes."
"Time to unwrap my wedding gift," he mumbled and moved around her.

His large hands he placed on her stomach and let them glide up her body to the sides and up her bare arms until they reached her shoulders. Gareth massaged her for a moment or two before his impatience became evident, his breathing told how he was controlling himself.


Too slow for Mackenzie's taste, he unbuttoned each little pearl button down her back kissing her back all the way down as he opened the dress. He grabbed the dress and let it slide down her body until it pooled at her feet, leaving her standing there in her thong, corsage and shoes.

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