Ch. 173: Does it hurt?

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"Are we there yet?"

Gareth sighed and rolled his eyes to the heavens looking for divine intervention when Rein asked the question for the umpteenth time since they had left the castle in Italy.

They had baarely left the driveway when he had asked the first time. Leoni, who easily got caught up worshipping her older brother, and saw him as a shining example, had followed suit, driving Gareth absolutely bonkers in no time.

Was it in the manual kids got when they were born?

In the 'how to piss off parents' section.

They had not been like that on their way there. Everything had been new and exciting, and they had asked real and interesting questions on the trip, about the airport, planes, landscapes and Italy. But now that they were going home, they just wanted time to pass fast and get back to their toys and uncles.

"Soon, Squirt."

"How soon?"

Groaning, Gareth looked to Mackenzie for help, she, of course, simply laughed silently at his torment and hugged a drowsy Leoni to her chest.

They had left the castle with Jace, Phoenix, Cracker, Aidan, Agatha and Gareth's parents after having sent Vittorio and Patricia off on their honeymoon. They had taken Gareth's plane where the rest had travelled with traditional airlines to get back home. Some had decided to stay on for a bit and do some sightseeing and relaxation. Gareth had gladly granted them that luxury with everything they had been through the last year.

Mackenzie's idea of a big bash to show their appreciation, he looked forward to.

On the plane, Mackenzie had put them down for a nap, though Leoni had refused to sleep until Uncle Funny had hugged her.

Five times.

He had to give it to Phoenix. The patience he had when it came to Leoni and Rein was admirable and so out of character. Even Jace was at times looking at Phoenix with wonder. It was amazing to see and a big help for Gareth and Mackenzie to have The Uncle Squad at their aid.

Those kids would never want for anything.

Would never be without love, a roof over their heads, food, clothing or a friendly ear and a shoulder to lean on. There would be hugs aplenty, parties and presents galore. Their own private cheering section at any sports game, dance recital or music performance in their futures. They would have private tutors to help with their homework and plenty of opportunities to spread their wings and always have the safety net of an extended loving family to come home to.

And Gareth could rest assured that Leoni would never, ever, get a boyfriend because any poor lad, dumb enough to try, had to go through purgatory to even get close to her.

Uncles unite!

Though Rein had recovered from his first hangover quite well; it had taken a day, some throwing up and quite a bit of whining, Gareth knew the uncles would be a bad influence on both Rein and Leoni when it came to bad habits. He was not exactly the best example himself with his smoking and whiskey consumption.

At least Rein had gotten enough of a scare for it to be a few years, or a decade, before they had to deal with that problem again.

Gareth chuckled to himself and pulled Rein closer and pointed out the window. "Ok, you see that big building there in the middle?"

"The blue one?"

"Yes, the glass one reflecting the sky, makes it look blue." It did look blue, Rein was correct, and Gareth could not fault him for calling it blue, though he naturally tried to educate him on why it looked blue. "Behind that one is the harbor, and that's where we're going."

Draft version - Russian Roulette - Family secretsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon