Ch.23: For God's sake, I didn't mean anything by it

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Gareth had gotten a huge cart from outside the store and went inside maneuvering it like an absolute pro.

"Ok, we need to find presents for 9 boys ages 4-9. And 4 girls ages 4-7."
"I don't understand?"
"Stop wondering. Just go nuts. Pick whatever you think will fit those two groups."

He laughed heartedly as Mackenzie's face turned playful and mischievous. She was going to spend a fortune having a blast in there.

"Let's have some fun."

They spent the next hour picking stuff for the boys. Action figures, games, Lego's, play costumes, monster trucks. Everything Mackenzie suggested he just nodded at.

She had put a fireman's helmet on his head and seductively whispered, 'save me from danger'. It was way too small for him, he had simply laughed at her sweet words and was still wearing it because of the smile it had put on her face. He probably looked a right tool. But if a fireman was what she wanted; he would be that for her.

He would save her from anything if he could.

Mackenzie was laughing and smiling at everything, she acted like a kid and not a grown woman and he loved it.

In the girl's aisles she got to pick whatever her heart desired once more. Dolls, miniature kitchen set, coloring books with unicorns and fable animals, crayons, boxes of colorful beads, more play costumes.

Gareth had offered her some ideas along the way, the coloring books and crayons were his idea and he was pretty damn proud of that suggestion.

He found an ugly little tiara in a box with dress up accessories in one of the aisles and came over to her. "I'm a fireman, I'll save you from danger, my princess," he said softly placing the plastic tiara with the glass gems in her hair and twirled a stray lock of her hair between his fingers.

Mackenzie froze.

Her entire demeanor changed in a second. She went pale and then she went nuclear on him. She ripped the tiara from her head and threw it at him with such rage it scared him.

"Never, ever, call me princess," she shouted at him clutching her fists to control herself all the while trying to hug herself for comfort. Her cheeks had turned red and anger-tears were forming at the corners of her eyes.

"What the actual fuck! Mackenzie?" He had never seen her like that, it was as if that word caused her pain. Complete soul killing physical and mental anguish. "For God's sake, I didn't mean anything by it."

Whatever he had done wrong he needed to fix it and fast.

Still in the dark about what had triggered her tantrum, he took a step back to give her some space though he would have preferred to wrap her in a hug. He discarded the fireman's helmet to not look like an idiot while he felt like one.

She couldn't breathe. She was panicking. He had meant nothing by it, Mackenzie knew that.

But that word.

Mackenzie felt how a chill took over her body and she began to shake. How could she explain it to him? They had been having such a lovely time. He had been playful and sweet, had given her permission to grab anything she wanted. He had been perfect. And now she had ruined it, because of something stupid he had no idea about.

"Please, never again," she whispered with such agony she had to hold her chest to be able to breathe.
"I'm sorry, malyshka. I won't. I didn't know."

Gareth was desperate, he knew he would not get any answers if he asked. To be frank his mind was racing to know what was going on; seeing her like that, the reason did not matter, he got the point. All he needed was for her to calm down.

"I can't," she groaned with tears streaming down her face. "Not from you. Please, don't ever call me that again."
"I promise. Mackenzie, look at me. I promise, alright?"

She was shaking uncontrollably, she was lost. Her eyes were full on black, she looked like he had tortured her. Gareth needed to help her and did the only thing he could think of, praying to every deity he knew that it was the right decision. Slowly to show her he was no threat he moved to her and stood close enough for her to decide if she wanted the hug and comfort he was offering.

It took a moment while he saw a world of emotions run over her face, her eyes were burning with too many different kinds of chaos for him to register them all.

Finally, Mackenzie sighed and leaned her head against his chest burying her face in his shirt under the open jacket crying like her heart was breaking. Her hands rested on his upper chest next to her face, he could feel her tears wetting his shirt and the warmth of her fingers through it.

Gareth waited a bit before he gently wrapped his arms around her and just held her close. "Relax, malyshka. I'll never use that word again, you don't have to explain anything, please just calm down."

He kissed her hair not knowing if it was igniting another bomb or if it was comforting her. He would have done anything to comfort her and take her back to her happy place. Juggle toy trucks or buy her a jewelry store if it would make her smile again, he would have done it.

"I'm sorry, Gareth," she sniffled against his chest. "I didn't mean to take it out on you."
"Hush. Just lay it on me. I can take it." He kissed her hair again. "Just make sure to let me know if I'm actually the problem and I need to apologize for something. You know how oblivious I can be."

That made her laugh. Nothing was his fault and she knew he knew that, yet he was ready to apologize for something he had not done for her to feel better.

"Thank you."
"No need for that. I'm your friend any time you need it, even if you're not mine."
"Leave it, Mackenzie. Just stating facts. I'm only a text away if you need me." He squeezed her a bit tighter and let her go. "Come on, let's get back into fun mode. We have a lot more to do. And a bunch of munchkins who needs all this stuff."

When he had said toy store, she had thought he maybe had gotten a child in the time they had not been in contact but hearing him say 13 kids brought her back to square one. Clueless about what was going on. Even with Gareth's libido the horizontal efforts to produce 13 mini-Gareth's was beyond him.

"I still don't understand." Mackenzie stepped back and stood still while he wiped the tears from her face. Why did he have to be so cryptic?
"You will, very soon."

Gareth led her and the cart to the checkout and paid the insane amount without blinking. They loaded everything in the car and went back in to find a supermarket.

"Ok, we need kiddie food. Hamburgers? Hotdogs? Spaghetti? What do you think, doll?"
"How much preparation time do you have?"
He casually looked at his watch. "Well if we finish up here within the hour, I can be there half an hour later if I drop you off at the office first, so maybe 3 hours before dinner?"
"Then all of the above. I'll make the spaghetti."
"You want to help? I only hijacked you for the shopping, I would never presume you'd help later, you don't have to sacrifice your evening."

Smiling Mackenzie put her finger against his lips which he kissed as a reflex.

"Hush," She mumbled.
"You don't even know what's going to happen?"
"Two reasons. One, I'm half Italian. Spaghetti is my thing. Two. I don't care, anything that makes you this dedicated, I'll support."

Besides she was curious as all hell to know what was going on, and she intended to find out.

Hi y'all.

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Love Alix

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