Ch. 21: So, where are we going?

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Annoyed and frustrated Gareth pushed his laptop away from him. He had been looking at spreadsheets for hours but could not concentrate. All he wanted was to get his mind off of everything, a run or a swim, 18 holes of golf or just 3 holes of a woman.

He sighed. He wanted 3 specific holes, not random ones.

He cringed.

It made him sick with himself he had just thought of Mackenzie as holes. She was so much more and that was why he wanted her. Maybe golf was better. He pulled back the laptop and opened the golf club site to see if there were any available slots at his favorite course.

Agitated Gareth closed the browser with a quick click of the mouse. Why was he looking at that? He already knew he did not have time for any of it, he had a charity event and he needed to go get some stuff to bring there.

Shopping, how he loathed shopping.

He looked at his calendar one last time, of course his secretary had cleared the whole afternoon for him. Nina was efficient and knew how to plan ahead, all he had to do was tell her in some way and things would miraculously be taken care of. It was what he paid her to do after all, it felt reassuring to know she handled everything.

Gareth shut down the laptop and grabbed his phone and keys, checked if he had his wallet before he snatched his jacket from a hanger at the side of his office door.

"Nina, I'll be out the rest of the day, can you clear my morning schedule until noon?"
"Naturally, Mr. Tempest."
"Thank you, you may leave when done. You don't have to be here before 11 tomorrow, if you want to sleep in."
"Oh, thank you, Mr. Tempest."

Nina's big grey eyes shone with happiness. It was not common for Gareth to say things like that, she was not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

For some reason Gareth noticed for once. He knew he was pulling on Nina a lot and maybe he did not appreciate her enough. He smiled one of his rare work smiles at her and made a mental note to get her something for her commitment.

"Ok, mall first, then grocery store," he mumbled as he walked to the elevator clicking around on his phone not paying attention to anything.

He was standing in the elevator minding his own business when it stopped at the floors below to let people in. Some of them mumbled a quick respectful 'Mr. Tempest' he just nodded and did not give them much notice until he felt something and observed at set of dark eyes glancing at him.

"Miss Angel, just the person I was looking for, do you have a minute?" He grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the elevator not really caring about the employees in the elevator gawking at them.

Ok, they would talk, but what did he care?

"What the fuck, Gareth?" she hissed when the doors had closed and she was still standing on the floor she had tried to leave. She shot him an angry glare waiting for an explanation.

"That's 10," he said before she got too far into a fit. He smiled as she blushed. She knew what he was talking about.

How did he do that? Turn a situation around with ease? She was the one who was supposed to have the upper hand in that moment, as always, he dominated the situation. "What do you want?"

It had been a spur of the moment thing, he had seen her and thought she would perhaps be perfect to help him with the things he needed to shop. But looking at her she did not really seem too inclined to help him with anything but walk off a cliff.

"Eh, I need help with something." Nervously he ran his fingers through his hair trying to gain precious seconds to form a sentence, that made sense. "Do you have time to do me a favor?"


Gareth asking for a favor? Mackenzie wanted to smile at that. Honestly, she was too intrigued with him needing help with anything, she was ready to say yes.

"What kind of favor?"
"I need to go get some shopping done for some people, and I'm at a loss. I could use some female inputs. Please, Mackenzie?"

Gareth sent her his biggest most convincing smile while making puppy eyes at her.

"I'll close down my office. I'll be back in a moment. How long will it take?" she asked not looking back.
"Probably the rest of the day, do you have plans?"

Mackenzie only had plans Friday and Saturday usually with Alyssa and the girls. After she had moved to the new place, she stayed at the office as much as possible and when she got home, she did nothing but try to mentally escape from that rathole of an apartment.

Most days she sat there cursing at her mother for getting involved with a man like Marco, damning herself for being too weak to stand her ground and tell her mom no.

Quickly she shut down her computer and cleared her desk. She already had her purse; she had been on her way to lunch when she had seen Gareth in the elevator. She had not expected him to notice her because he had his nose in his phone and seemed preoccupied.

Of course, he had noticed her and the second his eyes met hers the tingles began and the memories of their last interlude flooded her mind.

Fuck, it had been almost two weeks since that night, she had to find a date soon and get it over with.

To her surprise and his credit, he had not advanced on her personally or professionally in the time that had passed. They had seen each other in the hallways at the office, but no contact until now. Except for the small envelope with her hairpins he had left on her desk with a single Camellia.

Annoyingly sweet he had remembered her favorite flower.

"So, where are we going?"
"The mall as a starter, we'll take my car, I'll drive you back here to get yours afterwards, don't worry," he said with half a smile.

She was not about to tell him that she did not have a car anymore, so she just smiled back at him and followed him to his car.

They drove to the mall in his big SUV. She had not imagined he would have a car like that, she had expected him to have a driver ready and waiting. Gareth was a great driver but as she remembered it, he preferred to have his hands free and the extra time to work or do calls while commuting.

"I usually have a driver," he said like he had read her mind. "But for this little adventure I needed the space and privacy."

How did he do that? Read her mind in that way. He should have his own Vegas show.

"You're making me curious here, Pretty Boy."
"Well, all will be revealed when we get there."
"You're as annoying as ever." She turned her head and pouted like a little girl.
"Some things never change, dolly. At least I'm consistent," he added with a chuckle.

Mackenzie began to laugh. He had always said that when she had pointed out some habits of his. It felt good to have his stupid boyish behavior back. It was what had attracted her back then, not the serious businessman, but the fun and easy-going guy who just wanted to make her smile.

What he had planned for them to do at the mall she was sure would surprise her.

Whatever it was.

Hi y'all.

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Love Alix

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