Ch. 178: Ehm, surprise...

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The room smelled of death.

Like the room already knew what was going to happen.

Everybody were seated in the shadows, anxiously waiting for the guards to bring in Vasyl. All of them wanted it to be over, wanted to be freed from that voice in the back of their minds telling them that it was not over until Vasyl had paid for his crimes and was no more. That he would never harm another soul, never wreck a life or damage the world again.

It had to be done.

They needed it to be over.

Vasyl represented the last dark cloud in the sky, that little cloud that could rain on their parade of life. It had once been like a thunderstorm out of control, with its darkness, cold looming menace and downpour of troubles. By joined effort, a lot of sacrifices and unnecessary deaths they had reduced the storm to a cloud.

A cloud they were about to drive away for good.

The silence was deafening.

Nobody said anything, they barely breathed. Here was no low murmuring, ruffling of clothes or shuffling of bodies. It was not an exciting moment; it was serious and they all knew what they would have on their consciences afterwards. It would be a burden, though weighed against having Vasyl on the loose to continue his terror it was the lesser of two evils.

They just sat there in somber silence looking at Gareth and Aidan standing in the light. Aidan in his usual jeans and t-shirt uniform, looking sort of bored with the situation, not that they had expected anything else from him. Gareth was in his unusual black and silver uniform, not paying attention to anything or anybody, he stood there staring at the door, waiting for the moment he could finally relax and move on from the past.

It took a while before the guards came in, dragging a still naked Vasyl. His eyes held that evil and hateful gleam, but his body language was of one who had given up and accepted it. Yes, he was pale from having been held underground for over six months, first with Cracker and then and The Mansion, but he was not weak or malnourished even if he had lost a few pounds.

The scars left on his body from the last time he had joined them in the room were healed, because of his pale skin the scars stood out more.

Gareth did not like it, it was against his nature to be that person, still, he got a sick sense of pleasure from justice having been served. He witnessed the scars on Mackenzie every day, felt Vasyl's sick mind on himself with each step he took. Mackenzie was scarred for life, he was too, in his opinion Vasyl was lucky to only be in that kind of torment for a short while.

"Adjenkov, I see you can stand like a big boy now." The mocking tone was the only sign of Vasyl still being a prick.

Gritting his teeth, Gareth stopped himself from lowering himself to Vasyl's level. He did not need to get sucked into Vasyl's idea of a verbal spat, all Gareth needed was for the last people to take their turns and then he would never have to be in the same room as Vasyl anymore.

At the back of his mind, he was glad that Mackenzie had refused to take part in the day's events. She had asked for time to think it over and informed him that she did not want any part of it, she was done and had moved on.

Gareth was happy for her and with her decision, knowing she felt free was enough for him.

"Have a seat, Vasyl. Make yourself comfortable."

The guards strapped Vasyl back into the chair, they had no troubles doing it since Vasyl was not fighting them that time, maybe he really was ready to die. Living in a cell was no life, though he deserved to rot in one for all eternity, death was too easy an out for him.

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