Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

"You told Jungkook that I like him?" Taehyung asked, "Seokjin, what's your problem man?"

Seokjin's anger disappeared as a smile spread across his handsome face. He closed his door and walked to stand in front of Taehyung. Hoseok unnoticeably muted the TV, suddenly interested in the scene in front of him. He called Mickey over and made the Shi Tzu lie down in his lap as he stared at his boyfriend and Taehyung with questioning eyes.

"Someone's mad because I exposed is cute little crush," Seokjin teased as he crossed his arm.

"I made it quite clear to you that I don't want him knowing!" Taehyung snapped, "for several reasons actually, Seokjin. Why must you go out of your way to ruin shit for me?"

Seokjin gave the man an innocent look as he shook his head, feigning confusion. "No, no. We just had a conversation about your possible feelings for Jeon which you never fully denied-"

"I didn't confirm it either."

"You say tomato, I say tomahto anyway, as I was saying, you never fully denied my suspicions so I was thinking 'maybe he's gotten a case of nerves and I just need to push him' so I did what my great-friend instincts told me to do and that was tell lovely Kook about your ever-growing feelings towards him."

Taehyung shook his head as he gave Seokjin a look that said how unbelievable this situation was.

"You just want drama," Taehyung snapped, "we were doing fine without your interference."

"However, there is no we because your dumbass won't confess," Seokjin looked over at the brunet watching them with curious eyes, "isn't that right, Hoseok."

"Don't drag me into this," Hoseok said with an eye roll, "plus, Taehyung doesn't want my input on anything, do you?"

Taehyung ignored him with told both men how irrelevant he thought Hoseok was. Nothing could ever change his mind about or feelings towards the man sitting several feet away from him. What he did to his dearest friend caused for a forever growing hatred to blossom in his chest and was fueled by the mere mention of the name Jung Hoseok.

"I wanted to stay friends," the designer said, crossing his arms, "because I actually considered the way Jungkook might feel towards dating anyone or someone like me. So you foolishly jumping to conclusions and thinking that you're saving the day or just because you want a little drama in your sad life will ruin everything."

The eldest in the room hummed, putting his fingers against his lips. His stupid smile still hadn't disappeared and it was only making Taehyung madder. He couldn't believe this man had the audacity to expose his feelings towards Jungkook who he hasn't even fully accepted himself. Sure, he was aware that he had a little thing for Jungkook; he really enjoyed the younger man's presence. But that didn't mean that Taehyung had hardcore feelings towards Jungkook.

Plus, he wanted to wait. Jungkook didn't need to worry about Taehyung's celebrity issues if they were to start dating when he already had other weights on his shoulders.

Then it dawned on Taehyung that Jung Hoseok was sitting in complete earshot of this entire argument. Whatever Seokjin was saying was going completely unheard as the weight of the situation became heavier. Jung Hoseok just heard everything Taehyung had said, including Jungkook full name. If Hoseok wanted to, all he had to do was take to Twitter and start a rumour about Taehyung dating Jungkook and that would send his fans into a frenzy. The last thing both Taehyung and Jungkook wanted was for that to happen.

"Shut up, Seokjin," Taehyung said, "I'm tired of you, honestly, if the contract wasn't already near end, I end the partnership here and now."

He decided not to say anything to Hoseok. If he were to say anything, Hoseok would get the idea. So Taehyung could only hope that the older male wasn't already considering it. But considering how much they hated each other, there was a slim possibility that Hoseok would jump onto any opportunity to but Taehyung in a scandal or controversy.

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