chapter 44

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Chapter 44

That afternoon after school the four friends found themselves in the library, this time they were each on a computer and looking at 'Dusk lemongrass' . There was a lot of conversations to be had about the website. Tyrell had suggested that they go through one page at a time, looking thoroughly to see if there was anything they could spot that would give them any help with their situation.

Sylvester had his notebook out in front of him and was jotting down a lot of information, along with some things that had happened the past week. Usually he would write down at night what happened during the day , though he hasn't had access to his notebook the past few nights . It felt good for him to be writing in it again instead of the new exercise books that they need to write in for school.

There was a lot of interesting information on the website that caused a lot of confusion for the four friends. It caused more confusion for the humans then for the fae , though the fae still did not understand how this person managed to get the information that they had gathered.

There was practically all history of the fae in that one webpage, it was extremely fascinating to the humans and one could easily see how it could be brushed down as fiction. The things that had been written could not be created or easily made up, there is no way that the human mind could comprehend that history as real unless it was able to hit them in the face. Which it kind of was in Tyrell and Kelso's case.

The about me was what caught their utmost interest , they were very interested in knowing who this person was and what species they were. The title 'about me' was in different font to the text that they had seen throughout the page , Tyrell being who he is could recognise it immediately as pacifico font. Tyrell spent a lot of time on the computer and writing little things so he knew exactly what fonts they were using throughout. The font made the title stand out, as though Dusk had put a lot more effort into this page then others.

Though the font seemed exciting, it was probably one of the shortest pieces of text within the website. The text was on a white background and there was little decoration on the page.


Now i suspect that you are wondering who is mad enough to make this website or at least who is willing to share their ideas of fae and other creatures to the world of the internets. My name is Dusk, no it's not my real name and no you're not going to get my real name. I do see those hate messages and think it unwise to share my real name.

I am someone who is very much interested in the world and lives of the fae. I had been brought up with these tales of old and want to share them with others . No matter who reads this, i'm getting the word out there that the fae exist. I think it is very important that we know what we are dealing with and that we know these forces exist.

As a witch, and someone who deals with the fae quite a bit, I know that we should not fear them. If we are to work with them we shall be safe and free from our worries. We just need to know these things exist and i'm simply a way of passing on this information.

With love and wishes,


A/N some of you wanted a face reveal to make you feel more comfortable, so here it is!"

That was all the text which was on the page, it gave the two couples most of the answers they were looking for and even more . More answers then they were looking for as a matter of fact. There at the bottom of the page held a picture, a picture worth a thousand words and at this point, a brilliant answer.

The picture was of Dawn, Her hair was frizzy and long, seemingly before she dyed it red as it was a light brown, Though the kind and wise face was unmistakably Dawn's . This was somewhat of a comfort to them, they wouldn't need to find and go to a random person's house.

However, it didn't just give them comfort and answers, it also gave them a little bit of fear. It made the twins very suspicious about what the two cousins wanted at their house on the weekend. It was an odd thing for Devin and Eden wanted to come over that weekend out of the blue.

If what is on the screen proves correct then surely the two cousins know about the fae, if it was Dawn's mission to carry on the information and if Dawn knew about if through the family then they would surely know about the fae.

Since all four friends read at different speeds it was a shock for Kelso when her twin started cursing. Though eventually she found out the cause and started to curse with him. It had confused the fae still, though they had decided that Dawn wasn't much of a threat. They were all on guard as looks had been deceiving once before.

"That was unexpected." Kelso said seriously as they started to look through other webpages. They were looking at the obscure pages. It would make a lot of sense for it to be dawn since the website didn't look too well put together , there were lost pages scattered around the website that the four of them needed to dig in order to find.

Dawn knew a lot and there was no denying that the information would be useful to them. It seemed like much more then the four of them could research and find in an hour. This meant that they had to do more research outside of school. Though that night they were plagued by something truly terrible that most people needed to face. Homework.

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