I remember where we are as we run further to the entrance of the building. I see army people patrolling the main floor.

"Is that me?" Jospeh stops in his tracks. He watches himself for a while. "I look good." He tries to lighten the mood.

I feel a hand covering my mouth and I know it's Sawyer. "One move and we will be zapped back." He threatens. Jospeh is on the floor unconscious.

"What did you do to him?"

"Small blood choke, it puts people to sleep. Nothing to worry about." He's still behind me and I'm against the wall.

"You're such an asshole."

"I'll wake him up right now but I need you to listen."

I turn around and wait for him to explain.

"We don't have much time."

I try opening my mouth to say something but his warm hand covers it. I roll my eyes.

"Something is different." He says and my eyes widen. "We will camp out let him see." He says and my eyes widen even more. Why is he being so calm and understanding about this whole situation?

"Wake him up." I point to Jospeh who is on the floor.

"We're out of here the moment he witnesses his death."

"Yes yes whatever just wake him up." I sit beside Jospeh as Sawyer moves him around so blood can recirculate throughout his body. I glare at him and I'm met with an evil grin.

Such a jerk.

"Are you okay?" I question. Jospeh starts to wake up.

"Yes just a little dizzy." He rubs his neck. "Fuck. What was that?" Jospeh asks and I point to Sawyer who is leaning against the wall behind him.

"You." Jospeh says and stands up. Sawyer watches him unfazed by his anger. Sawyer continues to have a grin. "You promised never to do that again. And you, how dare you not keep it in your fucking pants. How can you do that to her?"

Sawyers grin immediately drops and he looks at me.

"You told him?" He seems disgusted by my actions.

"No, don't bring her into this. She didn't have to tell me anything. I saw it with my own eyes."

Sawyer rolls his eyes.

"The future can always change. Trust me when I first saw that I wasn't thrilled either." Sawyer admits. Kind of hurts but I ignore it.

"You seemed pretty thrilled." Joseph mutters. He goes in for a punch but I get between them.

"Can we all move on?" I plead. They both eye each other but eventually nod.

We all sit quietly against the wall. I'm a little embarrassed to look at Sawyer. Jospeh on the other hand glares at Sawyer every chance he gets.

I rest my head on Jospehs shoulder. I know once I close my eyes I won't be able to open them back up.

"Why did she want to bring me here?" Jospeh whispers as not to wake me up. They think I'm asleep.

"She thinks if you see what happens you'll change your mind."

"Obviously I don't." Jospeh says.

I'm pretty sure Sawyer is nodding and gives  a little shrug.

"She cares for you." Sawyer whispers.

"I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one who truly cares for her." Jospeh snaps. "You gave her those nightmares those zombie freaks she's always drawing. She's drawing those because of you. If you never brought her here to begin with we wouldn't be in this mess."

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now