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Swoosh, a week went by. Yes, I was only technically engaged for a week, but whatever. Today was my wedding day. My FRIKIN WEDDING DAY! IM GETTING MARRIED?! WHAT?! I heard a knock on the door and Jasmine went to go get it, because my soul sisters were helping me get dressed.

"Awww, Jia sweetie you look so adorable!" Jasmine awwwed as she squished her daughter's cheeks. "But mommy, it's itchy!" Jia whined, which made us all giggle. Ace did the last few swishes of blush, successfully convincing, or sorry. Threatening to take away her croissants from me if I didn't put makeup on, so here we are.

Ella set the veil just right on my head, and Jasmine finished up the last few curls on my hair. They all took a step back and I slowly turned around, trying to make sure nothing falls out of place.

"Wow... you look like an angel," Jasmine wiped away her tears. Oh great, this is happening again. The same thing that happened when we went to the ball. Oh boy. Before I knew it, the three of them were sniffling, the fact that I was the youngest in the group was finally getting married. Poor Jia, she didn't know what was going on.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Jia started to get worried. Oh dear. "Nothing Jia, just your aunt looks like that enchantress in "Beauty and the Beast"," Jasmine replied, fixing her eyeliner a bit. Jia's face scrunched up. "No, auntie doesn't look like the enchantress, she looks like a different princess!" I chuckled.

"Which princess then, Jia?" I asked her. She thought for a while. "You look like Ariel! Just with different color hair," she smiled. Aww, how cute. All of a sudden, someone barged through the door, making our heads turn.

"JIA YOU FORGOT YOUR FLOWER CROW-" Jin stopped in his tracks. "Are you sure that's my sister?" He questioned, making me slap his arm. "YAH!" We all laughed. "You all look great. Jasmine, I'll let you know when to send her in, and Jia, let me put your crown on your head," Jia's eyes widened. "NOOOOO!" she ran out of the room, making Jin roll his eyes and all of us laugh. "I'll go get her," and with that, Jin left the room.

"Ok Y/n, Jin just texted me. It's time to go." I got help from Ella and Ace, as Jasmine went out first to help me out too, and Jia followed behind. We walked to the door, and I don't know why I got so anxious all of a sudden. Jia went first, I could see her throw the flowers so elegantly, yet so adorable. She really does have both of her parents' genes.

Ella nudged my shoulder, indicating I should go now, but I was so scared. "Hey, look at me. It's gonna be okay, nothing is gonna happen, I promise." Ace joined the pep talk. "And if something does, they have to go through me first." I chuckled a bit.

"Thanks guys," we all shared a careful hug, and before I knew it, the doors opened, and I walked down the isle, holding my smeraldo flowers in hand. I was looking down the whole entire time. I was just so scared I would trip. Thankfully I didn't. And when I stopped, I could see Taehyung.

Oh my goodness, he looked like a billion bucks. His hair was black again, but it looked so soft. It was in perfect, little waves, and he wore a nice, cream colored suit. He looked so good. And to make it all better, his boxy smile shined through. It made my heart beat so fast.

"First, I am required to ask anyone present who knows a reason why these persons may not lawfully marry, to declare it now," the priest spoke. The room was silent, thank god. He continued.

"The vows you are about to take are to be made in the presence of God, who is the judge of all and knows the secrets of our hearts; therefore if either of you knows a reason why you may not lawfully marry, you must declare it now," he told. Silence.

"Alrighty then. Kim Taehyung, do you take Kim Y/n to be lawfully wedded wife? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and protect her, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" Tae looked me in the eyes. "I will," he responded.

"And Kim Y/n, do you take Kim Taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and protection, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?" This time I looked Tae in the eyes and smiled. "I will."

The priest made eye contact with both sides who were next to Tae and I. "Will you, the families of Taehyung and Y/n, support and uphold them in their marriage now and in the years to come?" They answered. "We will."

"Then you may proceed to kiss the bride." You see, Tae may be kissing me a lot, but I don't know, it still gives chills and butterflies all over. My eyes widened as I turned towards Tae, seeing him already wiggling his eyebrows.

Before I could even react or mutter a single word, he pulled me in by my waist, and kissed me the way he did the very first time it happened. I felt like I was in a whole different universe. Butterflies all over, my cheeks heating up like an oven, it was ecstatic.

Everyone started to clap and congratulated us. It took a while. After, the big party of our life happened. It was amazing. We danced to their songs, and we did a VLIVE during the whole entire party. I didn't expect so much love from ARMY, they seriously are amazing.


Tae and I made it to our hotel, because we took a trip to Greece. I always wanted to come here, and I finally did. It was so beautiful, it was how I imagined it to be, but way better. All the art, the statues, the fountains, everything was so elegantly perfect.

"Did you have fun today?" Tae asked me as he plopped on the bed. "Yes, I had a lot of fun. Especially where you tried to mimic that one statue," we both giggled. He then just stared at me, and I started to feel a bit uncomfortable, even if he is my husband.

"Uhm, Tae? Hello?" I waved my hand in front of his face, and he flinched. "Huh, yes?" he came back to his senses. "You alright? You kind of zoned out," I chuckled. "Yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking..."

"Can we start a family?"


Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I didn't lol. I didn't think I did so well. Honestly, I felt like this entire FF was a mess, so even after it is finished, which will be very very soon, I will definitely do some editing. It's just so cringey, ACK! Anyways, make sure to vote and comment, and remember that you are beautiful and loved. Bye!

My First Love || k.th FF (under editing) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now