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It was a great day at the park. We came back to my house and everyone already prepared lunch. Jasmine and Ella were helping set down the food with Hobi and Yoongi. Jungkook was busy playing Overwatch because he is the freaking maknae, and Jin and Jimin were fighting over a spoon, not a surprise.

Halmeoni was sitting down reading a book with her headphones in, so Taehyung stopped the two clowns from fighting over the spoon, while I went to Jungkook's room and told him that the food is ready. He just put his hand up in my face, telling me to wait. I told him a few times, but he was starting to get annoyed at me.

I didn't care, and at this point, he was pushing my buttons. I unplugged the computer so he wouldn't be able to play, and he was obviously pissed at this point, but so was I. I wasn't prepared for what was coming next though. He threw me a death glare, and threw me over his shoulder while walking somewhere.

I squealed by the sudden action and I couldn't see properly where he was taking me because my hair was in my face, but eventually, I saw the door to the backyard open. I was scared for my life. He then threw me off, and I landed into the pool. I was soaking wet, and I had a little outburst. "JEON JUNGKOOK WHAT THE HELL?!"

He was just laughing and running away, while everyone was laughing along, Jin was spanking his butt with the spoon, and the only person who actually seemed worried and bothered to help was Taehyung. He had his hand out ready to pull me out of the pool, and I gladly took it.

After, he ran to get a towel, while I was shivering, still giving Jungkook a death stare from outside as he is getting his butt whooped. He then came back but then just stopped in his tracks and stared at me. I couldn't see why. But he then wrapped the towel around me and took me inside.

"Thank you Taehyung, your the only one who actually cared," I chuckled as I shivered a bit from how cold I was. "Of course! I don't want you getting a cold. Are you alright?" he asked, concern lacing his tone. "Yeah I'm fine, I'll go freshen up now," I told him as I made my way to the bathroom to clean myself up.

I sat in the tub and let the lukewarm water touch my skin. I took a towel and wrapped it around myself, opening the door to peak and see if anyone was there in the hall. Nobody was present, so I ran to my room. I dried myself off, and got changed into some cozy clothes. A long sleeve crop top with some sweatpants. Casual, my style.

- - -

I made my way to the kitchen where everyone was already eating, and I got my food from the table. I shot a glare to Jungkook, who just had his head down as I took a seat next to Taehyung.

I took a bite of the food and devoured it to every last piece there was because it was so good, just like everyone else, who had food all over their mouths. It was evening at this point, so Taehyung, Jasmine, Ella, and all my oppas had to go.

Seokjin was saying his goodbyes to his donsaengs as I was giving a bear hug to my friends, and I saw in the corner of my eye that Taehyung was struggling to pack his bag. So after Jasmine and Ella left, I quickly ran to Taehyung and tried to help him with the zipper. I thought it was weird that he brought a little suitcase for a one-day sleepover, so I asked.

"Why did you bring a suitcase? Your only staying for a day," I sat criss-cross on the floor. "I brought a little something for you, but I couldn't carry it all the way here," he chuckled. "Aww, thanks! You didn't have to," he paused.

"I just felt really guilty about that situation, so I thought I'd get you a little something too," the both of us chuckled. "Now about this stupid zipper..." he was yanking in it with so much force that it broke. He looked so cute when he realized he broke it, so clueless.

"Here, let me get something. I'll be back," I went to go get a paper clip to attach to the part that is still on the suitcase. I came back and latched it onto the part attached to the suitcase.

Now, we need something heavy to put pressure on the suitcase for it to properly close," I looked around, but then caught Taehyung staring at me. "Is...... there a problem?" I slowly questioned him, giving him a fishy stare. "Well... if we put any other like- object, it's just gonna slip. We need something that can hold itself... and you know.. no object can do that so.." it fell dead silent.

"O-oh," was all I could say. He meant me. How could I be so dumb? But I thought to myself who would zip up the suitcase if I was sitting on it. And then it dawned on me. He meant him. I was gonna sit on the suitcase as Taehyung zips it up. Great, just great. I couldn't feel anything else but uncomfortable.

"Uh... okay.." I awkwardly sat myself on the suitcase, trying to zip the zipper from behind me, but I couldn't. Curse you, short arms! "I-I can't zip it," I stuttered, and he slowly started to zip up the suitcase from behind.

I honestly wanted to run and scream into a pillow because of how flustered I was becoming by the minute. It was unhealthy how red my cheeks were. And to top it all off, his arms going around my waist was not helping. I completely regret calling him a person to get flustered very easily.

And if it wasn't worse already, Jin walked through the door, completely baffled by the scene in front of him. I mentally facepalmed myself. What a great timing, my goodness.

"Taehyung. What do you think your doing?" he paused, trying to keep his cool. I knew he was gonna scream any second now, he likes to make his outbursts very "dramatic".

"WITH MY SISTER ON YOUR BAG?!" I knew it. And within a second of time, he was lunging towards Taehyung, ready to beat him up any minute now. He was shaking the living hell out  of him.

"ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! CALM DOWN HYUNG!!" Taehyung tried to tell him, but this drama king wouldn't even dare to listen. "I TRUSTED YOU!! YOU LITTLE BI-" at this point, I had enough of this child-play. It was my turn to have the outburst now.

"JIN CALM YOUR SHITS DOWN!!!" I managed to pull him off of Taehyung with all my strength, noting hard after. Dang, he's heavy.

"Are you gonna listen or still be a big baby?" I held him by his shoulders. "BUT HE-" I covered his mouth. "Listen. Taehyung needed to zip up his suitcase, and it wouldn't. The top of it is smooth, so we needed something that could not fall. Therefore, I had to sit on it to help him zip it up. Now do you understand?"

His pout turned into a frown, I could tell he felt a bit guilty. He went up to Taehyung and spoke to him. "Dude, I am seriously so sorry. Are you okay? I didn't hit you hard or anything right?" Jin asked with worry, making Taehyung chuckle.

"Relax hyung, you didn't do anything. I'm perfectly fine," he reassured him. "Uhm alrighty then, carry on," Jin left the awkward atmosphere. Just after he left, Taehyung and I cracked up so hard from what just happened.

I was almost crying from laughing so much, and Taehyung was rolling ok the floor laughing his heart out. It was nice to hear his giggles and laughs again. They are so adorable, I swear.

He zipped up the last bit of the suitcase, and thankfully I didn't have to sit on it. I opened the door for him, slipping on my flip flops with a cardigan around me. "Alrighty then, see you Monday!" he dragged his suitcase outside.

He was waving like a little kid, it was so incredibly cute. I giggled from the sight. I genuinely giggled. Wow. "Bye Taehyung," I waved goodbye to him as well, crossing my arms after as I saw him walk further and further into the distance.


Hi! New chapter edited, hope you guys like it! Don't forget to vote and comment any suggestions you have, or anything I guess lol. And as always, remember you are beautiful and loved. Bye!

My First Love || k.th FF (under editing) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now