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~You slowly fluttered your eyes open from this weird feeling on your lips, but it felt nice. You then saw Taehyung roughly turning around with his back facing you. You smiled because you felt like it was him, but you weren't sure. You were pretty sure though. Without thinking twice, you stared at the fake-sleeping Taehyung and kissed his cheek. You then saw his cheeks burn up in less than two seconds. How cute.~
Y/n: Goodnight Tae~ *and you fell asleep with Taehyung turning around again and cuddling his pillow.*


~You woke up after some sleeping, and saw Taehyung's sleeping figure. He was sleeping so peacefully, like an angel. You then poked his arm.*
Y/n: TaeTae.... wake up~ *Taehyung then rubbed his eyes to see better.*
Taehyung: Good morning... *he seemed...... shy*
Y/n: Tae, what's wrong?
Taehyung: N-nothing... *his cheeks were red and he was looking down.*
Y/n: Is it what happened last night? *he then shot his head up with eyes so wide.*
Taehyung: Y-you weren't asleep?!
Y/n: I was. That woke me up, you silly goose.
Taehyung: I-I'm sorry! I-I just-
Y/n: No need to be sorry. I'm not mad, ok?
*you reassured him by putting your hand on his shoulder. He slowly nodded his head while pouting. STAWP BEING SO CUTE!!*
Y/n: But... why did you?
Taehyung: Uhm..... *he was scratching the back of his neck*
Y/n: Do you like me?~ *You were teasing him because you wanted to mess with him.*
Taehyung: No.
Y/n: Really?
Taehyung: I-I....
Y/n: Come on, say it...
Taehyung: I love you....
*Wow. You weren't expecting that answer. You got pure butterflies in your stomach. You haven't felt this way near any other boy who has confessed to you... why him? Then "the thought" came back again. Could it be? But I don't know at the same time... maybe... You then felt Taehyung shaking you gently and you flinched and looked back up at him.*
Taehyung: You ok?
Y/n: Yeah...
Taehyung: It's ok if you don't like me back. I just had to get it off my chest.
Y/n: N-no it's not like that-
Taehyung: Let's go eat breakfast, hmm? *it seemed like he was hurt that you didn't say it back, and he was trying to forget it. He then took your hand and dragged you downstairs, while you were still left dumbfounded by everything, and you saw your grandmother on the couch, and Seokjin cooking. Normally halmeoni cooks, why Seokjin today? This made you a bit worried, so you went to your grandmother and kneeled down.*
Y/n: Halmeoni... is everything ok?
Halmeoni: I'm fine sweetie... don't worry about me...
Y/n: Halmeoni... *you glared at her to make her tell the truth.*
Y/n: Then why aren't you cooking?
Halmeoni: I felt like I needed a break... that's all..
Y/n: You sure? You seem a little sick.. *you then noticed more clearly she wasn't the same. She seemed more weak, and fragile.*
Y/n: Oppa, can you make some soup? *Seokjin nodded his head and proceeded to make the soup. You brought blankets and a heat pad and reclined her chair. You were worried. Is she ok? After some time, the soup was ready, so you fed the food to Halmeoni. Taehyung was comforting her as well, while Seokjin was continuously making warm foods for her and making sure she was taking her medicines, and so were you. Basically the entire day was just trying to make her feel better, and it kind of worked, while it was awkward silence between you and Taehyung, and you could tell Seokjin knew something was up between the two of you. You put the dishes in the sink, and sat down with your grandmother again, until she said something that brought your attention.*
Halmeoni: Can I talk with Taehyung in private?
Y/n: Yeah sure.... *you were a bit suspicious, but you and Seokjin left the room as Taehyung was giving Seokjin a somewhat worried stare.*


~I then kneeled down so she could talk to me better. I was still confused why she wanted to talk to me though.~
Halmeoni: Taehyung... did you tell her?
Taehyung: Huh?
Halmeoni: That you like her? *my eyes widened. How did she know? Did she hear us? Or did she see me...? Oh that would have been bad..*
Taehyung: H-how do you know?
Halmeoni: I was going to come check on you children, and then I saw you kiss her...
Taehyung: I'm sorry.. I-
Halmeoni: Oh no! Sweetie, why are you sorry? I was so happy!
Taehyung: Why?
Halmeoni: You really don't know? Y/n likes you too. She has told me the way she feels, and she clearly likes you. Just give her a little space. It's only been a few days, right?
Taehyung: Sure... but why did we like each other so fast?
Halmeoni: My goodness Taehyung... you know the answer to that. She doesn't though... *then it hit me. The picture...*
Taehyung: When should I tell her?
Halmeoni: Make it grand. Take her on a date and tell her.
Taehyung: But you said to give her space!
Halmeoni: Yes I did. But when the time comes, take her on a date, and tell her. Then, take her to that same place, and propose to her. My eyes widened at those last few words.*
Taehyung: P-propose?
Halmeoni: You'll see later dear. You can call them back in now.. *I was still left dumbfounded. Propose? Propose?! Either way, I went to go call them, and Y/n tucked her to sleep. I got worried about Halmeoni, but I was worried about Y/n too. She hasn't eaten anything all day, and she has been going back and forth to make her grandmother feel better. I would do the same thing, but she looked so exhausted. She came back and fell to the ground. Seokjin and I were extremely concerned at this point, so I told Seokjin to go stay with his grandmother while I take care of Y/n. I carried her upstairs and I layed her on the bed and tucked her in. I opened the windows so she could get some fresh air. She then slowly opened her eyes and stared at me. She then... smiled?*
Y/n: Hi.
Taehyung: Hi....? You good?
Y/n: Hmm... yeah.. I'm gonna go take a shower. *I stopped her.*
Taehyung: WHoAh wHoAh wHoAh! You just fainted. Rest!
Y/n: I will. By taking a bath.
Taehyung: Bath? Ok. *she then walked out of the room, still looking tired, and went to the bathroom.*


*I went into the bathroom and immediately turned on the water until it rose. I then grabbed a bath bomb and let it do its thing with the water, as I undressed myself. I took a step into the bath, and then another, and sat in it as I let the hot, steamy water touch my bare skin. I get so much better. I then thought of what Taehyung said to me today, and what Halmeoni told me. "Give him a chance. He loves you, he really does. Do it for me. I want to see you with your love before I die." Thinking of that made me smile. I do like Taehyung. But I feel like I'm betraying my mystery boy, but at the same time I don't feel that way. After some time, I let the water go through the drain, and I wrapped myself with a towel. I then changed into my usual, and went back to my room, to find Taehyung looking outside the window again.*
Y/n: what are you thinking about now?
Taehyung: Oh. Hey there. I just don't wanna go.
Y/n: what do you mean?
Taehyung: Y/n... *he started to walk towards me, and then stopped and looked at me.*
Taehyung: I don't wanna leave. I don't wanna leave you.
Y/n: Tae... *you gave him a light hug while patting his back, as he put his arms around your waist as his chin rested on your shoulder.* I don't want you to leave either. Your really fun to be around, but your parents must be worried.
Taehyung: Hmph. Fine. You ok now? *he broke the hug*
Y/n: Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go to sleep.
Taehyung: ok... *you both adjusted yourselves into a comfortable position and were ready to go to sleep.*
Y/n: Goodnight Taehyungie... *you said as you adjusted yourself under the covers*
Taehyung: Goodnight honey... *he said in his sleepy voice, and the both of you drifted off to sleep.*

                        -End of Chapter 10-

Hello lovely readers! Wow, already at chapter 10! Hope you like it so far. I have seen zero comments on this story. Are you sure you guys like it? I'm genuinely concerned. Hope you do. If any chapter had made you cry, get some tissues soon. As always, remember you are beautiful and loved. I purple you all!

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