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~ It's been a week, and Taehyung hasn't talked to you. Still. You were really confused at this point, and really frustrated. Ella and Jasmine have been trying to get you to stop thinking so much, but that's all you can do. You were also genuinely concerned and scared, because you noticed Taehyung and Brianna getting closer. If only you saw how two-faced that little rat was... today was a Saturday, and you already finished your homework, so you just stayed in bed reading a book, until you got a message from Ella.*
Y/n: wat? Why?
Ella: I don't know if I should tell you... your gonna break...
Y/n: just tell me, it's fine.
Ella: Brianna....
Y/n: What about her?
Ella: she asked Taehyung to be her boyfriend a week ago..
Y/n: And?! Just say it!
Ella: ACK! AND HE SAID YES! THEY ARE TOO CLOSE!! LIKE, TOUCHY!! your heart broke into a million pieces. You promised yourself you wouldn't let her get to his head, but it's too late now. You broke your promise. You started to tear up, and texted her.*
Y/n: I'm gonna go for a walk...
Ella: I told you your gonna break. *you buried your face in your knees and just cried. You lost Taehyung, Brianna got what she wanted, everything is falling apart. Halmeoni heard you crying, so she cane upstairs and embraced you in her arms as you continued to sob.*
Halmeoni: shhh... sweetheart... tell me what happened...
Y/n: W-well... *you told her everything from last week and this week, from start to finish. You could see her reaction, and she clearly felt pity and sorry for you. After you told her everything, she hugged you again and told you:*
Halmeoni: I'm gonna ask you something, ok?
Y/n: Ok... *you sniffled*
Halmeoni: Do you think he is worth it? Do you think he deserves your tears, your time, your love? *that made you think for a second. Is he worth it? Does he deserve my care? My trust? My tears? My love? You thought for a while until you finally gave your answer. As much as you were heartbroken from Taehyung ignoring you, these past few weeks have been the most memorable. And it's all because of him. Like that day he took you to the park, when you both jumped in the leaves, when he helped you out of the pool, when you both were mistaken as a couple, cracking up together, taking care of him when he was hurt, laughing about Chelsea, telling stories, watching the night sky together... and your first kiss. You enjoyed life a lot more with him. He brought color to it. You haven't been this happy ever since your parents were here. And even if he makes you mad, you can't stay mad at him forever. That's just the effect he had on you. Even if it means betraying your mystery boy who you never met before, Taehyung will always be in your heart. You slowly nodded your head.*
Y/n: I-I think he is worth it... *she chuckled*
Halmeoni: Then there is no need to cry.. he will come back in no time..
Y/n: How can you be so sure?
Halmeoni: I told you, you can get automatically drawn to your soulmate, even if you don't realize it. Now, go get some fresh air. I'll make some tteokboki. *you smiled. You kissed her cheek and went to go change. You wore a oversized grey hoodie with black track pants, and white vans with your hair tied up in a high ponytail. You went to the park that Taehyung took you to, again. Something about it seems so familiar, but your mind just won't tell you what. You sat on a bench and curled yourself up, watching the people go by, until you saw something you really didn't want to see now. Brianna and Tae. Your Tae. She was clinging onto his arm, smiling happily, while Taehyung  on the other hand was clearly faking a smile. Was he forced? She then pointed to her cheek asking for a kiss, and Taehyung hesitated at first, but he slowly went towards her face and kissed her cheek. Your heart started to sting. You couldn't take it anymore, so you walked the other direction. Everything seemed different now. It's not the same knowing Taehyung is in a relationship. All the color in your life is drained out. Everything is black and white now. As you started to walk, you heard her call him something that burned your heart like crazy.*
Brianna: Tae, I'm hungry. Can we go eat something? *you turned around and were on the verge of crying. However, things took a different route.*
Taehyung: Don't you dare call me that. Ever.
Brianna: W-why not?
Taehyung: I said don't, so don't.
Brianna: Hmm.. what about... oh! Taeba-
Taehyung: NO! *he yanked his arm away from her, leaving her upset and you confused.*
Taehyung: I..... need some space.
Brianna: O-oh... ok.. I have to go anyways... uhm.. Bye. I love you! *she expected him to say it back, but she got nothing in return. She ran away with her hands covering her face, while Taehyung sat on the bench with his hands on his chin. You didn't want to see him right now, so you left the place, but you didn't know Taehyung was staring at you as you were leaving. As you reached home, you sat in your bed and buried yourself in the bedsheets. Just then, you got a text from Jasmine.*
Jasmine: Y/N!!!  SOMETHING IS ON YOUR ROOFTOP! YOU HAVE TO GO SEE WHAT IT IS!! *that made you jump up from your bed and dashi run to the rooftop, but you were confused when you saw someone sitting there. Who is it?*
???: Come. Sit. *you knew exactly who it was. Taehyung. What is he doing here? You wanted to resolve things with him, so you did as he said. He didn't turn towards you, he just kept staring up at the sky.*
Y/n: ...... what are you doing here? *Taehyung sighed*
Taehyung: Look at me. *you slowly turned towards him, expecting something cold, but his gaze was soft. You could stare into those eyes for the rest of your life.*
Taehyung: Are we really nothing?
Y/n: Huh? *you were confused. What?*
Taehyung: Are we really just friends? Hmm? Tell me. Are we? *no. You liked him as more than that. Brianna made you realize how much he means to you. You shook your head no. He chuckled.*
Taehyung: Good. That's what I wanted to hear.
Y/n: Uh huh... but why did you ignore me? You know how broken I was?! How empty my life was?! You gave my life color! And if you just go and ignore me, how am I even supposed to live life anymore?! This is the happiest I have ever been ever since my parents died. You know that?! But look at me now. I became a mess. Look at me! All because of you. You just- *you realized you rambled your heart out to him, and he was smiling like an idiot. You covered your red cheeks with your hands, but he removed them.*
Taehyung: I ignored you to see if you truly like me. I was broken when you said we were just friends, because I felt way more than that. And I got my answer. You like me a lot. *he wiggles his eyebrows. Cute.*
Y/n: Dont do that to me again. Because I won't say that anymore. Unless you wanna be friends....
Taehyung: Yeah. Let's not be friends. Let's end our friendship. *that broke you. What?! Why?! Before you could say anything. He talked again.*
Taehyung: Because friends don't do this.
Y/n: Do wha- *he cupped your cheeks and kissed you right smack on the lips. It's happened before, but this is the first kiss your actually aware of. You gladly kissed back, and you both pulled away, creating a now awkward atmosphere, similar to the one that was created last time you both were in the rooftop. He eventually pulled you into his embrace, and you rested your head in his chest. You don't have to be awkward around him anymore, because the feeling is mutual. But then something came in mind.*
Y/n: Tae... what about Brianna? Why did you say yes? *he chuckled again. Gosh, this kid..*
Taehyung: I felt hurt, so I dated that rat to forget. But I can't forget you, and I never will. *that made you smile.*
Y/n: But... aren't you gonna break up?
Taehyung: I already did. I texted her.
Y/n: You dumped her over text?!
Taehyung: What? She deserves it. *that made you giggle. He isn't wrong though. She does deserve it.*
Taehyung: I missed you... *his hug tightened*
Y/n: I missed you more... *just then, you saw confetti bombs and kazoos and pans making sound all over the place, and then you realized... it was all a set up.*

                         -End of Chapter 16-

Hello my little borababies :3 YAY! It finally happened!! Anyways, vote if you want to I guess, and also thank you so much for 300 reads! Like, WHAT THE HECK?! Anyways, remember you are beautiful and loved. Bye!

My First Love || k.th FF (under editing) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now