Chapter 71: Unknown Part 3

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"whatever she did is not her fault it is your fault because you made her do this you are trying to turn her into you but she will never be like you, and you can trust me on that" I let go of her and say "you know what let's go I changed my mind Alex is going to tell you the story instead". I grab her from her arm and pull her out of the room she sees me and says "what the hell are you doing?" "there has been a change of plans" "what are you talking about we agreed on the plan" "well the plan has now changed so you better get out of my way" she says "no Wilmer we agreed on the plan you have to follow it or else it is not going to work" I look over at Demi and she is in shock she cannot believe who is in front of her and is part of all of this, "Wilmer" I pull out my gun and point it at her and say "you seriously need to back off right now ok the plan has changed now are you going to follow my lead or not?" she looks at me worried and says "yes I am going to follow along with your plan ok just relax" I smile and put my gun down and say "now say hi to Demi" she looks over my shoulder and she just smiles at her evilly and Demi is still in shocked I can see that she is trying to process all of this in her mind and she says "Rachel"

Alex's Pov:

I can feel my heart getting weak I haven't taken my medicine and I can feel it getting weak I have been trying to get out of these ropes but I can't dam bastards really tied me up good, but I am not going to give up I need to get out of here and look for Demi and then I am going to kill that son of a bitch with my bare hands when I get to him, that is the only way that he will finally let us be free I mean if I kill him it will be self-defense right?

Demi's Pov:

What the hell is Rachel doing with Wilmer why is she helping him? She is supposed to be my family how can she do this to me how can she betray me and here I thought that she was in rehab getting better but she clearly isn't I cannot believe I seriously cannot I just want to believe that all of this is a dream and that none of this is happening none of this is real it can't be Wilmer cannot be Alex's father he just can't because Alex is nothing like him well except maybe the sleeping around part she unfortunately she got from her father but other than that she isn't like him not at all, how does Alex even know Wilmer how was she working for him? I am still staring at Rachel shocked at the fact that my own cousin is helping Wilmer out so I say "what the hell are you doing Rachel? How you be working with Wilmer? You are supposed to be my cousin?" she chuckles and says "oh so now I am your family? Really Demi how can you still even ask why I am working with Wilmer come on you stole my whole family from me and you also got away with stealing the love of my life which is Alex so how can you not expect me to be here helping Wilmer" I nod my head "none of what has happened to you in the past is my fault Rachel none of it and you know it, it is not my fault that your parents don't love that is your fault and Alex never loved you don't you understand that you guys just hooked up for the moment she was never going to call you" she chuckles again and says "it is your fault Demi everything is your fault you are the reason why Alex didn't call you are and you know it, Alex was going to call me she was but she didn't do it because she met you" I laugh "you keep telling yourself that but you know that's not truth you know that she wasn't and even if she did I would've met Alex sometime after that and we would've still fallen in love" she slaps me and I gasp but continue "who knows maybe we would've even cheated behind both of your backs because that is what you guys deserve for being fucking rats" and this time she doesn't slap me but knocks me out.

Wilmer's Pov:

Wow this girl really has it in her and I almost doubted her for a moment that she wasn't actually capable of killing someone but now I even feel that she is capable of killing her own cousin which to me she deserves to win a Grammy. Great now I have to carry Demi all the way to the fuckin car so I say "seriously Rachel you couldn't knock her out when we were close to the car? Now I have to carry her all the way over there" she sighs heavily and says "shut up ok and just stop whining I am in no mood to hear your dam complains right now ok so just shut up" I chuckle and say "wow I didn't think you had it in you, you know" she looks at me serious and says "what do you mean?" I say "I almost doubted you for a moment of you actually being able to kill Alex but now I know that you are even capable of killing your own cousin" she says "well I knew that I had to prove it to you that I could do it and looks like I reached my goal didn't I?" I chuckle "yeah you did, now come on let's go already and get this over with"

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