Chapter 146: I Promise

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"fine what else do you want them?" she leans in and whispers in my ear seductively "I want you to make love to me" I look at her and say "but just last night you said that you weren't ready for that yet" "I know but you just look really sexy in that shirt that you are wearing that if Jenny wasn't here I would've dragged you to the restroom already" my eyes widen holy shit, I drink some water and say "so um that's really-y-y what you want?" she rubs me through my jeans and I gulp because she is turning me on, "Demi-i-I we are in public-c-c" she chuckles at how nervous I am and she leans in and pecks my lips and says "don't worry that's not what I want" and she pulls away and just laughs at me, fuck she just teased me and now I am slightly turned on and I say "damn Demi so you just teased me?" she nods her head yes and says "yeah I did now come on let's go we have to stop by the girls house since we promised them we would visit them" she gets up and I just look down at my pants and try to control myself....

Demi's Pov:

We just arrived to the girls house and I can tell that Alex is trying to get rid of the dirty thoughts that are running through his mind, that I what he gets for saying that Teletubbies are better than Barney, Alex knocks on the door and we hear this noise inside Alex and I look at each other confused and Lauren comes and opens the door she is breathing heavy and her hair is a mess, she says "hey guys what are you doing here?" Alex says "we um said we were going to stop by and visit you guys" "oh that's right um" Alex says "so can we come in?" she says "um about that" my eyes widen and I say "Alex um I think we should just come another day" he looks at me confused and says "what why? What's going on?" Lauren says "it's just that Camila and I are um" come on Alex catch on, "where what I don't get it" are you fucking kidding me Alex, Lauren gets frustrated and says "we were having sex ok well that was until you interrupted us" Alex's eyes widen but then scrunches his face and says "eww with Jamie in the room" I give him a really face and I smack the back of his head and she says "no she is sleeping" I say "we can take her if you want" Lauren says "oh my god yes please I'll um be back" she closes the door and Alex says "this is so fucking awkward" I chuckle and say "you made it awkward by insisting on knowing what was going on" he scrunches his face and rubs his eyes and says "I'm scarred for life" I laugh and soon Lauren comes back with Jamie in her car seat and she is still sleeping and Lauren says "sorry about this guys it's just that Camila and I haven't you know" Alex waves his hand and says "we don't want to know" he walks away with the girls and I just chuckle and say "just pick her up when you are ready" "thank you Demi" I nod my head and walk away awkwardly.

That was so fucking awkward, I walk over to Alex and he is putting the girls in the car and he says "fuck" I look at him confused and say "what's wrong?" "she forgot to give us the diaper bag" "are you serious oh my god I am not going back there it was too awkward already" he says "well I'm not going back she's my sister so just imagine how awkward that was for me" I get in the car and say "well looks like you'll have to go anyway" he groans and says "come on Demi just go" "no Alex stop being a baby and just go there are not going to pull you in and have a threesome with you" he scrunches his face in disgust and says "why would say that, that's just disturbing she's my sister for crying out loud" I chuckle and say "just go an ask for the diaper bag Alex" "but what if they are you know" I roll my eyes and say "well then it's either you go and interrupt them or we don't feed or change Jamie's diaper and she gets a rash and starves" he sighs and looks back at Jamie and says "fine I'll go" I chuckle and say "it's not going to be that bad trust me" he pouts and says "I don't like you" "I know because you love me" he rolls his eyes and walks over to the door and knocks.

Alex's Pov:

I can't believe she is making me do this, I knock on the door and I hear who I think is Camila say "are you kidding me?" oh shit she sounds pissed off, next thing you know she opens the door she is in a robe and she looks frustrated and says "what Alex what do want now? Can't Lauren and I have sex is that what it is? Like come on we are trying to do something together and we can't do that if you keep interrupting so what is so important that you had to come not only once but twice hu you already took Jamie so what else do you want?" Oh shit Camila sure does need to get laid, I put my hands in my pocket and say in a low voice "you um forgot to give me Jamie's diaper bag and I um didn't want her to starve and get a baby rash so I um came to ask for it" her eyes soften and she says in a much more calmer tone "let me go get that for you" I nod my head and she walks away Lauren comes and says "dude you should've seen the look on your face" I roll my eyes and say "dude you seriously need to give her what she wants that was scary as hell I'm surprised she didn't start throwing bananas at me" she chuckles and Camila comes back and throws me a banana and I groan in pain and Lauren just laughs then she throws me the diaper bag and says "thank you Alex for caring for our child, and if you dare come back a third time I am not only going to throw you a banana but I am going to throw all of Jamie's dirty diapers at you" I raise my hands up in defense and say "ok I'm leaving geez" I walk away and I see Demi laughing her ass off.

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