Chapter 11: The Game is all I have Left

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Alex's Pov:

Demi: "yes I am being serious, and you are going to get so turned on Alex...:

(Holy shit, what the hell is about to happen)

Alex: "come on beautiful just tell me..."

(I can't believe this is happening she needs to tell me ASAP: "As soon as possible")

Demi: "I am wearing..."

Alex's Pov:

Demi: "I am wearing... Sweatpants and a long t-shirt hahaha =D Got you!!!"

(I groan and mentally slap myself, this is the second time she does this to me and of course me being an idiot and a horny teenager I fall for it)

Alex: "WOW" -_-

Demi: "Awww is little Alex mad! :)

Alex: "No but you made me horny for nothing -_-"

Demi: "Sorry sweetie, anyways so I am going to be stuck in the studio the whole day so why don't you stop by like around 5:00pm and bring me a large soy latte with whip cream and a blueberry muffin"

(I smile to myself and reply)

Alex: "Ok beautiful I'll see you at 5:00pm!"

"P.s- You would still look beautiful in sweatpants and a t-shirt :)"

End of Conversation

Still Alex's Pov:

After I get my drink from Starbucks I head to my best friend's house his name is Mike and he is a pretty chill dude I have known him for about 2 and a half years and well let's just say he knows some private things about my life that no one else knows not even my family, I finally arrive to his house I park and go and knock on his door, he opens it and says "what is that my loser friend Alex?" I chuckle and say "well I thought you were the loser but yeah it's me" he smiles "what are you doing here you psycho?" "Well I just decided to come and spend some time with my best friend" he smiles "aww well that's good that you decided to stop by come in" I walk inside his house and say "so where's your girl at?" "She is at work" I nod "that's good why aren't you at work?" "Today is my day off" "oh ok that's good so how are you guys doing?" "We are doing pretty good, guess what though?" "What?" "Jasmine and I got married" I smile at him but still shocked at the same time and say "what no way" he chuckles "yeah it was a small thing, well actually really small just Jasmine and I" I smile and hug him "well congratulations man I'm really happy for you" he smiles "thanks man now come on lets go to the backyard and have a smoke" I nod in agreement and we walk towards his backyard.

I sit down in one of the chairs and he sits across from me, Mike hands me a cigarette and lights it up for me I put it in my mouth and take it all in I exhale it through my nose and I immediately felt relaxation run through my body no one knows that I smoke except for Mike and Justin I don't smoke everyday like Justin does Mike smokes occasionally, I can definitely live without smoking I just smoke occasionally like Mike to relieve some stress, but trust me if my parents knew that I smoke I would probably be dead already, Lauren and Haley would probably slap the shit out of me or beat me to death,

(A/N: So I just realized that I completely forgot to add an important character which is Haley Jauregui Alex's step-sister from her dad's side she is 25 years old she isn't going to be in any of the chapters anytime soon maybe until I am halfway through the story)

Mike lights up his Cigar and looks at me "so how are you man?" "I'm doing pretty good just here and there" he says "that's good but I meant how's your heart doing?" I look around his yard avoiding that he is looking at me because I know that if I look at him I will see how worried he is I say "it's alright there's been times were I just can't breathe out of nowhere but it goes away fast" he says "have you gone to the doctor to get a check up and tell them that?" "Nah" "Why not?" I finally look at him and say "because if I go to the doctor they will call my parents and tell them about my heart condition and I won't be able to play soccer anymore and that can't happen" he says "I know what you mean Alex but come on you could die if you don't get that checked out and take the medicine" "I know but I can't live without soccer bro you know what I mean" he sighs "yeah I know" "the game is all I have left" he looks at me and says "what about your family?" I stay quiet and look away because I knew he was right my family is still there, I rub the back of my neck "I don't know bro all I know is that I am not going to the doctor anytime soon he nods his head saying ok.

So yes I have a heart condition and I could die if I continue playing soccer and not take the right treatment, but soccer is my life I can't live without it and I refuse to live without it which is why I am not telling my parents or anyone else, Mike is the only one that knows and I made him promise to not tell anyone, I know that it is selfish of me to not want to tell anyone especially my family but how would you feel if someone took away the thing you enjoyed doing the most away from you? Think about it how would you feel if someone took away the love of your life? Of course you would feel pain but of course not physical pain but emotional pain, that's how I would feel if soccer was taken away from, I know to others it's just a dumb sport but to me it means everything and I also know that it meant everything to Jenny when she was alive, just like I would feel pain if soccer was taken away from was the same pain I felt when Jenny was taken away from me except that, her being taken away hurt 10 times worse than having soccer taken away.....

Should Alex tell her family about her heart condition?

Why does soccer mean so much to Alex?

Surprise Update!! So I decided that I am going to update as much as I can this weekend even though I have tons of homework but of course I enjoy updating more for you guys rather than doing homework lol Anyways so I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I apologize for my grammar and remember to vote if you like this chapter and if you really like it then comment on it! Thanks for reading!

P.S- Did you guys see that Demi is going to have a hair extension line?? How cool is that! =D Also next update will probably be in and hour! =)

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