A Way To Win.

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Each time we would try to shoot, the goalkeeper from Spain would always stop it.

How can we turn things around?

Atsuya steals the ball from the spain players.

"Asuto! Atsuya! [L/N]!" Shouted nosaka and you all look over to him.

"I'll be in charge for the fate of this match!" say nosaka.

"do you have a plan?" you ask.

"I found a hint to that thanks to you, [L/N]!" answered Hikaru.

Me? What did I do? All I've done is trying to shoot in the goal..

"now, let's begin!" said nosaka.

"Okay!" answered Hikaru.

Hissatsu tactics: the General.

Hikaru transfer his knowledge to Nosaka that give it to us.

We all dodges one by one and enter the defense of Spain.

"Goujin!" you shouted and pass it to Goujin.

Goujin gets the ball and use his hissatsu.

"Fire lemonade..."

Goujin lift up his leg about to shoot but Atsuya comes out from nowhere behind the ball and uses his hissatsu.

"Certain death bear kill - decapitate!" shouted Atsuya.

The goal didn't react to block it and..



You look at the score, one more left.

"Don't stare at the score like that, it's not like it will give you a free score anyway." Atsuya tapped your head.

"Atsuya?" you look at him.

"Don't worry, we'll win this." he say.

"Mhm, for Shirou and others." you said.

"For Aniki!" he smiled.

The spain starts with the kick-off.


This time clario and another Spain player kick both at the same time and bright light blind you all.

The ball goes in the goal.

The three spain players goes toward nosaka.

"in the same way that you have analyzed each of us to devise an attack plan, we have complete the grasp of your team's weakpoint." said clario.

The two others behind clario Smirked.

"Japan has no chance of winning." continued clario.

"What are we suppose to do now.." you said.

"Nosaka! Asuto!" yelled Endou.

You turned around and saw them speaking.

"What are they speaking about?" ask haizaki.

"no idea.." you respond.

Nosaka and Asuto went to me and haizaki.

"We need use the it" say nosaka.

"the it? Oh, that." said haizaki, you soon understood they meant last resort that still wasn't complete yet.

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