A Victory Eaten By Sadness

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|nobody pov|

The opponent was dribbling toward the goal, But Natsumi took out something and showed to Endou.

"Endou!" Natsumi yelled from the bench showing 3 dango.

Endou understood something that others didn't, he used his hissatsu to stop Time Trance.

"come out, third Majin!" Endou appeared a third one and stopped the ball!

Everyone was impressed!

"Okay! Guys attack!" Endou passed the ball his teammates, it was time to attack and win.

Haizaki had the ball and dribbles to the goal. "I don't care if you're the devil or Sun or whatever! But I'll show you what's a real devil!"

Haizaki used his hissatsu "Perfect penguin!"


Inazuma japan 2:4 Australia

Now it was Hiroto's turn to score, he used his hissatsu "The Explosion" and successfully goal!

Hiura did a combined hissatsu with Kidou, haizaki and Fudou, it was also successful!

Inazuma japan 4:4 Australia.


|back to your pov|

I saw Kidou walking toward Ichihoshi, is he gonna help him?

Kidou take out his hand to help him up but..


Ichihoshi fell again on the ground.

"Sorry, my hand slipped." Kidou said with a straight face and left Ichihoshi on the ground.

I saw Ichihoshi with an angry expression on his face, I soon knew who was the bad guy now.

Ichihoshi, how dare you play with our feeling's and betray us.

Some minute's have passed but the Australia couldn't pass Endou's hissatsu now and moreover, Hiroto and Haizaki weren't concentrated on the match.

They were both beating Ichihoshi by shooting him with the ball.

Haizaki was about to end ichihoshi until Asuto stop the ball with his head (wich hit him) and fly over Ichihoshi.


The match stops due to Asuto laying on the floor not moving anymore.

I was showing three of my fingers.
"Asuto, how much finger's do I have??"

"Three...?" he replied.

"He's good!" I said.

Hiura went to Asuto "Are you sure he's alright??"

"I'm fine!" Answered Asuto.

"Why did you get in my way?" Asked Haizaki.

"That's not how we play soccer! Soccer isn't a sport where we throw anger at each other!" responded Asuto.

But let's skip the soccer Long sentence of Asuto and Ichihoshi thanking him.

After a long discussion we were back in the match.

"Master Satan!" shouted the Australia player and passed to the weird dude who has been changing hair colors to orange, red, dark red.

"I will win this match!" he said but got pushed away by Kidou(savage-) and steals the ball.

"Haizaki, Kira, [F/N]!" Kidou shouts.

Three of us went straight toward the goal.

"Ready when you are!" said Haizaki.

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