Send Off Party?

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After this big event of winning the FFI, you and your teammates were surround of cameras and people would ask question to Endou.

You stand behind the boys not wanting to be noticed.

"What are you doing?" Hiura noticed you were hidding.

"err.... I..." you tried to find an excuse.

Hiura soon understood.

"okay, I get it." he said.

"Huh? You do?" you raise your head.

"are you scared on front of all these people?" he ask.

"kinda... That's way much more than my country when we won the football league.."

"i see, I'm sure the others will understand."

"thank you." you smiled.

"don't worry." he smiled back and turned himself back to the camera man's and woman's.

One of the journalists would ask
"We heard that your coach has left the match without any various reasons, could you tell us what happened?"

He soon got interrupted by a


"I've been in front of you this whole time!" You heard the coach saying but couldn't see where he was.

"coach?" you took your head out behind your teammates.

"where is he? He sounded close?" ask Goujin.

"I'm right here."

Kudou would take off his... OWN FACE?! You soon saw your coach face on your trainer body...

 OWN FACE?! You soon saw your coach face on your trainer body

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Asuto and Endou get shocked while Goujin would just Resist to vomit.

Then Kudou body would just explode and becomes your coach body.

"Hello everyone! I wanted to tell you that I've seen the match and I must say. MY CONGRATULATIONS! BRAVO BRAVO"

The coach assistant who didn't wear his mask for once threw plates toward the coach he started to use sticks and fake wooden legs to congratulate us.

|after this|

"welcome back you two!" Said Asuto.

"jeez, that was an elaborate trick you pulled" said haizaki.

Coach only laughed as always.

"Man! I had no idea you were such an amazing soccer player!" Said Goujin hitting Li Hao back.

After the 5th hit he would just dodge it.

"it feels weird to show my face around you all thought.."

"I think you look better without the mask!" you raised your hand and said with a smile.

"T-thanks.. I guess.. But I like it better that way." he says and appears his mask under a tissue, he put it back on his head.

You applause him

After a long conversation with coach he explained us how hard will become the matches against the world.

First: some orion disciple will be mixed in most of the opponent's team,they'll do anything to destroy us.

Second: against the world is way much harder than against the whole Asia country, wich is understandable.

"getting overwhelmed before you even fought them?"

You stopped thinking when you heard... Kidou voice!

Everyone turned themself, big surprise Kidou was also with Gouenji.

Endou was happy and surprised and went to them and did a small punch on Gouenji chest as salute.

"Gouenji seems like your leg is getting better." Say Kazemaru.

"yep." responded Gouenji.

You then saw both haizaki and Hiroto face switched mood, they probably are worried that one of them will become a substitute since maybe soon Gouenji was coming back.

Hikaru went apologizing to Kidou-San, but he got pranked by Kidou with the "drug" thing, oh well atleast he accepted Hikaru by knowing his situation.

Soon ootani and Anna rushed in pushing some rolling clothes rack.

"everyone! Please change into these immediately!" said ootani out of breath from running.

"We need to be going to the send-off party that the world Soccer organization has prepared for inazuma japan." said Anna.

"send-off?" you ask.

The coach started to laugh.

"You!" Ootani grabbed your left arm.

"HEH?!" you screamed.

"You're dress is this way!" said Anna also holding right arm.

"W-WA-WAIT! I DIDNT AGREE ON ANY OF THIS!! I DON'T WANNA WEAR A DRESS!!" you complained as you got taken away by Ootani and Anna.

"stop complaining! You weren't thinking about going in a tuxedo are you?" Ask ootani.

"I mean! It's better than wearing a long dress!!" You said.

"No way." responded Anna.


You get drag away.

The girls choosed wisely a dress specially for you.

And you ended wearing it and walked toward a ship.

"that's where the party is?" you ask surprised.

"Yep ! Now let's go!" said the girls and dragged you along.

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