'Why are you like a zombie?' He asked.

'Nothing.' She shook her head and forwarded her hand. He smiled and placed it on her palm. She was surprised that he thought of her.

'These white roses reminded me of you.' He confessed, watching her place them on the table.

Fair and Beautiful- He thought

Amaal looked at him, -

'Very thoughtful of you, Haider.' She walked up to him and kissed him on his cheek. Haider's eyes widened in amazement. Then, Amaal wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against his shoulder. He was double surprised that she was side hugging him but took it as a gesture of gratitude.

Before Haider got the newspaper, Amaal checked all the pages and after giving it a green light, she let it pass.

'Tomorrow's paper should be given to me first, okay?' She sternly ordered the guards and they agreed.

Haider was suspicious of her. She wasn't her usual self, more nervously fidgeting and sensitive to sudden noise or action. But Amaal diverted his attention with Christmas preps. He realized he hadn't explored the entire mansion yet. He visited the unexplored area and felt his respect for Amaal and her aunt increase. They had transformed few rooms into a mosque, few temples, gurdwara, synagogue, church, and others. Amaal informed him about how they planned this. Elders would pray with the kids, tell them about the religion and kids can pick whichever they want.

'We will get Christmas tree from the backyard; now come we have the fairy lights to set up.' – She urged him by slapping on his back, - 'this place is huge and won't decorate on its own.' She dragged him along with her.

Later in the evening, Haider stood at the balcony, leaning against the railing. The weather was chilly but no snow, instead it was a drizzle. He watched the rain with a heavy heart. For some reason, he felt burdened and gloomy. Maybe it was his sixth sense but he had a feeling that something wasn't right.

'Hey!' Amaal's cheerful tone pulled him out of his thoughts. Within seconds, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and he sighed deeply. 'What happened, man?' She patted his shoulder and stood beside him. Their arms touched and Haider felt comforted by her touch.

'Amaal?' He looked at her, - 'Can you play that song, the titanic one that you were playing that one night.' He requested. She blinked at him, - 'Don't you play it when you are upset?' He asked and she nodded in response. Haider held both her hands in a soft grip.

'I don't know, why?' – He shrugged, - 'but I am feeling upset.' He confessed and Amaal's eyes widened. She looked away, he frowned noting her darting gaze and her grip loosening.

'Wh—why?' She glanced at him and then looked away from him.

'Just, please.' He wished again. Amaal was partly relieved that he didn't know about his half-sister. But realized how strong the bond between the two was. Without him knowing the truth, he knew something was wrong with his sister.

Haider and Amaal sat beside each other on the floor, leaning against the bed. She crossed her legs, held her guitar tightly, and looked at him. He nodded and she blinked softly at him. He watched her tune her guitar.

Slowly, she closed her eyes and began to play the tune. Haider placed his arm on the bed and leaned his face against his knuckles. After a moment, as he felt immersed in the beautiful melody, he closed his eyes. For some reason, thoughts of Hania crossed his mind, making him realize he had begun to miss his little sister. All of the sudden, he opened his eyes and hurriedly stood up. Amaal abruptly stopped playing the music and her eyes snapped open.

Haider plucked out his mobile from his jeans back pocket and dialed a number. He bit his lip and tapped his feet as he waited for the person on the other side to pick up his call.

'Hello, Banerjee. Do me a favor and somehow get me to talk to Hania.' He said. Amaal began to palpitate and without thinking, she leaped from her seat and grabbed his phone from him. Haider yelped and before he could register what was happening, she threw the phone out of the window.

'OH, MY LORD!' Haider roared in anger. Amaal blinked looking here and there with nervousness. He fumed at her, - 'What the hell is wrong with you, Amaal?' He huffed, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his pupils dilated. He grabbed her arm tightly and pulled her closer. She gaped at him, staring stupidly into his eyes. He pressed his lips in a tight line, shooting daggers with his eyes at her.

Amaal gulped slipping her arm from his grip, - 'Don't worry. I will go and search that area with a guard and get it for you. You just hold on, okay?' She assured him, then turned around and dashed out of the room. Haider raised and dropped his arms in anger.

'Stupid girl.'

Are Alina and Amaal doing right by hiding about Hania??? 

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Are Alina and Amaal doing right by hiding about Hania??? 

Drop your thoughts about the chapter in the comments, please *smiles* and Stay Tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and kisses*

Drop your thoughts about the chapter in the comments, please *smiles* and Stay Tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and kisses*

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