He takes my hand in one of his and his other hand on the small of my back and he starts guiding me. I like the way he holds my hand and is so gentle while guiding me, making sure I don't trip over anything.

"Someone is being very careful and caring today," I tease him while blindfolded.

"Yes true, but that someone is always caring," he mocks me by agreeing to what I said.

"You seem to be in a good mood today!" I whisper to him as we enter some room. I guess it's a restaurant as there is slow music playing and the aroma of food is making me hungry.

"I'm always in a good mood when I'm with you," he leans down and whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

Before I could process his statement, Hardin removes the blindfold from my eyes. I see a beautiful cake on the table and everyone from the cast and crew is present. Now I know why they were avoiding me today. They were planning all this.

Lydia pulls me into a hug and gives me a kiss on my cheek, "Happiest birthday Tess! I love you so much! I'm really sorry about today morning. I had to do it! Please don't be mad."

"Happy Birthday Tess! Thank you for always being there! I love you and I'm sorry for today morning," Trevor wishes me with puppy eyes so that I don't get mad.

"Aww, thank you guys! I love y'all too. But sorry, I'm mad about what happened today morning," I turn my head and look away. All of us end up laughing.

"Don't thank us girl. We just gave the idea, all the efforts were taken by Hardin."

Can this guy get any cuter? He took so much effort to make my day special. I didn't expect him to do this for me.

I turn around and give him a tight hug thanking him for the surprise.

He hugs me back and gives me kiss on my forehead and says, "Happy Birthday beautiful! Like the cake and the surprise?"

"Love it!" I exclaim and can't hide the blush that creeps on my cheeks.

All the members wish me and we cut the cake. Everyone asks me to order what I like for lunch and they'll have the same.

Once everyone finishes eating we go back to the hotel. At the reception, Trevor and Lydia inform me that the surprise is not over yet. They inform me that Hardin will give me the remaining details in the room. They make me all excited and just leave without any more information.

When we reach the room, Hardin goes to his and comes back with a box, wrapped in gift wrapping paper.

"Happy Birthday! This is for you. Open it!" he hands me the gift.

I tear the wrapper and open the box. Inside the box, there is a planner with my intials 'TS' on it. There is a small infinity sign with two hearts, just under my initials. I think I've seen this before? But where? Hardin has a similar tattoo.

I take his wrist and see that it's the same. His tattoo and the infinity sign on the planner. This is the cutest thing.

I keep the planner on the bed and wrap my hands around his neck. His hands rest on my hips.

"Thank you so much Hardin! I love it!"

"I'm glad you like it," he blushes and it's so cute.

"But why did you add the infinity sign? What does it mean?" I ask him, standing in the same position, my hands wrapped around his neck.

"I added that so whenever you use the planner and look at the sign, you'll always remember me," he gives me a quick peck on my check and then pulls away from the hug.

I just can't stop blushing or thinking about his gift. It's so thoughtful. He's definitely good at giving gifts. I pick the planner and brush my thumb on the sign carved on it. It's so beautiful, just like his tattoo. I notice Hardin smiling at me, so I look up at him and return his smile.

For the next fifteen minutes I try to convince Hardin to tell me the next surprise but he's just too stubborn. He didn't even give me a hint.

He asks me to get ready in the dress that's been kept in the bathroom by Lydia. It's already 6 pm and I need to hurry up if we don't want to get late.

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