Author's Note

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honestly, I think I've isolated myself away too much this year from people who I associated as my friends and I'm sorry if I don't talk as much.

I don't usually like ranting or venting because I'm well aware my problems or how I feel aren't important.

it's not easy for someone like me to tell someone how I feel because I'm— ashamed.

y'know, I'm gonna be honest. it hasn't been easy for me to explain how feel without writing a whole paragraph or getting confused on the words I'm using to express my feelings.

but it's hasn't been easy for me to allow myself to stop holding on to things from the past I shouldn't been holding on to anymore but I can't seem to let go.

I don't wanna let go.

I lost a friend this year, maybe even more than just a friend but several other people who I looked up to a lot but just because I don't look up to you anymore doesn't mean I won't support you which I wish people would understand more.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that things didn't last but I hope y'all are doing alright wherever you are.

I only wish the best for you.

I'm aware I haven't posted much like I used to since the last time I posted in February but y'know writers block is bitch and we love her, don't we?

aside from that, I have been trying I will say that but I hope to post more in the future if I ever get that chance.

anyways, thanks for dealing with my stupid ted talk.

Thanks For Reading,
(I Guess) Peggy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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