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Chapter 26
Part 3

"I'm sorry"

- ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜsʟʏ -

???: Wow
???: You sing, beautifully

She blushes.

Aph: Oh, shut up

???: You really do and
I'm glad I feel in love with
a woman like you

She looks at her screen in shock.

Aph: Excuse me?

???: Oops

Aph: Who are you?
Aph: For real

She taps at her screen waiting for this person to respond.

???: I guess it had to be
this way, huh?

Aph: Please, just tell me

???: Fine, But I warned you

Aph: I'm willing to take that

???: You're still the people
I fell in love with

Aph: You're freaking me out
Aph: Who are you?

???: It's me, Aaron. .

- ɴᴏᴡ -

I look at my screen in shocked.

Aph: You're kidding, right?

Aaron: No. I'm not
not kidding

I tap at my screen waiting for an actually answer but nothing came.

I thought I blocked his number. .

Aaron: You're probably
saying 'I thought I blocked him'
and well, I found my ways

Aph: You sneaky bastard

Aaron: Just know, you can't
ever get rid of me. You said
yes to me when I proposed
to you and you married me
and decided to leave it there?

Aaron: I'll be there in

20, be prepare sweetheart

I stare at my screen with my eyes widen. I keep repeating to myself and that he isn't coming and it's just a joke and when I realize, I'll finally waking up.

I look back at my phone again and my eyes widen again as I stare at the time.

Then, a loud bang on my door interrupts me from my thoughts.

Oh no

I went over to my door and looked through the whole in my door or the pecky hole and saw him.

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