Start bij het begin

I am so happy that everything is back to normal. But one thing that I don't get is why did he say, 'The past might repeat itself,' what does it mean? I just ignore that for now. I don't think it's the right to bring that up.

"Come on, you take a shower and I'll grab my stuff from the room. I'll meet you at the breakfast table".

"I'll come to your room and we can go together. I think I should apologize to Hardin."

I'm shook. Did he just say that he'll apologize? When did he become that person? I tease him,

"Nick McCall apologizing. Wow. That's a revelation," I start laughing.

"You better not laugh at me. Especially during my so called apology," he warns me while rolling his eyes. I hug him and leave.

I enter my room and see that Hardin is not in the room anymore and the connecting door is closed. I enter the bathroom to take my hair brush and see Hardin, wrapped in a towel around his waist, staring at the mirror.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Why, what did I do now?" He asks in a flat tone as if nothing is wrong.

"Hardin you are in my bathroom, in a towel. Thank god Nick didn't come up with me now!" I say in a panicked voice and he starts laughing.

"Ok calm down now. I left my card in my room and the connecting door is locked. How was I supposed to go in my room? Obviously I wouldn't go down without taking a shower," he shrugs.

"Fine. Now come on, leave my bathroom and go back to yours."

"Okay ma'am, as you wish," he winks at me and I shake my head.

I do my hair quickly and get out of the bathroom. Hardin is on my bed still in his towel.



"You were supposed to be in your room by now."

"I know, but I don't have a key remember. I'm calling Daniel for a spare one."

I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him and he smiles.

I hear a knock on the door and quickly go to open it, hoping it's Daniel and not Nick.

"Hardin in Tessa's room with no clothes," Daniel says with a smirk as soon as he enters the room.

"Shut up and give me the key. And better keep your mouth shut infront of Nick! Get it?" he warns Daniel.

"There is nothing like what you think Daniel," I tell him.

He points towards us and says with a smirk, "Well I can see that."

"Dan you can leave now, today's show is over," Hardin says and Daniel laughs while leaving.

"I'll go and get dressed before my brother comes in and starts shouting again," Hardin smirks and I nod with a smile.

"Okay sir. Also Nick is coming here to apologise to you."

Hardin stands there in shock without saying a word. I smile at his reaction.

"Nick and apology?! I don't think they go in the same sentence," he says and I chuckle

"It could be fun you know, only if you are dressed," He leaves to get dressed as soon as I finish the sentence.

I hear a knock on the door and it's Nick. He enters and gives me a hug.

"Someone's looking beautiful," he compliments and I smile.

"Ready for apology?" I ask and he nods.

He knocks on the connecting door and Hardin opens it.

Nick smiles and wishes him, "Good morning, brother!"

Did he just call him brother? I'm shocked and so is Hardin.

"Hello brother, good to see you!"

Nick keeps his hand on Hardin's shoulder and says, "Sorry for yesterday, I overreacted."

Hardin pulls him into hug and says, "It's totally fine. It happens, I can understand."

"Okay you two. Enough of brother bonding, I'm starving. Shall we go?"

Both of them say in unison, "Yes ma'am!"

All three of us smile at eachother and leave for breakfast.


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Love y'all
Aastha & Krisha!

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