"What are you doing now?" I question, inching in closer.

"Still checking the white blood cells."

He moves onto the next monitor and clicks a few clicks before typing again. I pause and watch him, but I can't help it.

"And what about now?"

"Now, I'm checking the white blood cells. And wishing you had a coloring book." He sighs with an eye roll.

"I can be helpful." I follow after him. He starts writing on a clip bored. "Give me something to do."

He thinks about it, "One time I went to work with my dad. All I did was sit under his desk and read. And an occasional stroll to the vending machines, but I was bored out of my mind." I tell him a stupid backstory that doesn't make sense. He hums in return.

"Fine, you want something to do?" He leads me to a microscope. "There are tons of cells on that plate. Find a round purple ball that has white spots."

"Okay, doesn't seem too hard." I look through the microscope. "Hmm, found one."

"What? No you didn't. There are millions of purple balls and there isn't a chance you found one with white spots." He seems a little disappointed I found one so quickly.

"It wasn't difficult. I just zoomed in?"

He pushes me out of the way and studies what I found.

"This was supposed to keep you busy for hours." He mumbles.

"Do I earn another slice of cake?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Okay the final image is coming in. We will be able to see what it is up close." We both sit in front of a large screen. Our faces almost pressed up against it.

Sawyer bursts out laughing.

"What? Why are you laughing?" I squint at the screen.

"It's a piece of lint." He can't even properly say that sentence without laughing hysterically.

"That's it? That's just a piece of lint?" I frown.

"Oh come on, it's still an interesting discovery." He can't even hold in his laugh at this point.

"Well that's boring."

"You get to name it."

I stare at him. He's not serious.

"There is no way I'm naming a piece of lint."

"It's your fist scientific discovery, you have to." I want to wipe that smirk off his face.

After hours of countless searching and coming up empty I plop onto the couch.

"Fuzz." I say out loud when I give up on trying to find whatever it is he wants me to find.

Sawyer instantly snaps his head to me, "What?" He questions.

"That's the name. The name for the lint."

He doesn't bother acknowledging it, he just gives me a weird look before he turns back to his computer screen. I frown and look up at the ceiling, a brilliant idea in mind.

"Let's go somewhere. I need a breath of fresh air. What about tonight?" I sit up, trying not to get too excited.

I know Sawyer hears me, the slight tilt of his head an obvious indication. He takes long to respond.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now