37 - RitsuMazeSeca [ Special Episode]

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Hello guys its me Philippines, so yeah ha ha ha I managed to steal Maze's phone so I can write this Cheesy Sheep .... Oh oh oh I mean Ship...

Ha ha ha here is the title of my Shipping from the mind of Da NewKomer, Philippines! *throws mangoes at you......* so so *laughs * here it is ...

Duh note : If u don't know me, check my profile at numbir 34 of this sheeezzzz... Kay!

Bring the freaking classical musiiikkkkk!!!

*Plays Baka Plus,(acoustic version of Triple Baka)*


Three persons stuck in a creepy relationship. How can dey manage to love, to fight, to look 4 anzwers and most of awl , MANGOUUUUUUSSSSZZZZZ!


Aiseca Senchineru

(duh Lovely Gurl Secretary of Chaos who will sacrifice everything, except melons , for tru love.)

Mazemaster C

(duh boy... *scratches the paper* ugh.... This is wrong...*edits* duh not so Boyish Glob that is somewhat a Baka!)

Namine Ritsu
(duh Gurl or Boy *confused * Guurrll , Boy, Ugh.... Teh head hurtzzz .... You knoe it.. I just call Ritsu a Crossdresser Queen.. thats eeettt!)

And this little piece of my heaven I Xall my Short Ship bout them *drumrolls, yeah the literal one*

A Ritsu X Maze X Aiseca Ship!

*a building explodes + insert super duper weird effects *


In the house

Ritsu : *holding the melon* he he he I'll hide the melon so Maze will be beaten in a pulp by Aiseca. *continues to laugh*

Maze : *walk in. Sees Ritsu with the melon* Hey Ritsu! What's that! *pointing at the melon*

Ritsu : * sweatdrops* ugh...... Melon? *tries to escape *

Maze : *tackles Ritsu from behind *

Aiseca : *walk in sees the two*

Maze : I can't let you hurt my love! Nevahhhh!

Ritsu : Don't hold that man. Just freaking don't its creeping me out! *feminine tone sorta*

Maze : I won't let go.. I won't let go of my love! *tightens grip*

Aiseca :* flinching eyebrows at rage looking at the two* WHAT THE FUDGE ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN THE LIVING ROOM!

Maze : *shocked face* uhm..... (0.0)

Ritsu : *shocked reaction * wha......? (Ô.Ô )

Maze : * Let go of Ritsu* uhmm.... Nothing... *sweatdrops*

Ritsu : *sweatdrops and hide the melon behind * he he he nothing...

Aiseca : Maze why are you hugging Ritsu ?

Maze :*thinks randomly * ugh.... Cause I like him?

Ritsu : *looks at Maze * Dafuq man !

Maze : *facepalm* oh shoot...

Aiseca : What is wrong with you Maze!

Maze : *false all the way* Ritsu got the curves you know. So I like him. Besides he's a very lovely guy.

Ritsu : *punches Maze* Baka !

Maze : *mumbling * see? he likes me!

Aiseca : *teary eyes + clenching fist *

Maze : whats wrong man, are you not happy with us? * tries to hug Ritsu again*

Ritsu : *backing slowly* Dang man.. Stay away man .. You are too ceeepy! *shrieks*

Aiseca : * crying * I am not happy. Cause it hurts my feelings!

*cue broken glass*

Maze : *serious tone. Back to being man* Dang man, are you liking someone?

Aiseca : * still crying * I. AM. YOU. DUMMY. YOU ONLY NUMB AT MAH FEELINGS! * dramatic exit*

Maze : *holds Aiseca's hand* You love me Seca?

Aiseca : *looking away. Blushing and still crying* Yes I am, you dummy! I love you!

Maze : *manly tone*I love you too. If you have said that earlier, I shouldn't flirting with Ritsu.

Ritsu : * very mad* Dafuq man.. Flirting meeee!

*charges the melon on Maze head* gyaaaaa~~~~~

*the melon speaks*

Melon : *very scared and shaking* please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me....

Maze , Ritsu & Aiseca : *a little awkward silence for realization purposes : ) *

Maze & Ritsu : *screaming like a gurl then runs away*

Aiseca : *followed them* Hey My love ~~~♪

Melon : *sighs* I shouldn't screwed the moment. Dang man. *smells smoke* hm.... What was that burning?

*Aiseca attached a dynamite on the melon's back*

Melon : Oh my ........* melon exploded *

--------The end-----

Philie's note : Dang man it sounded so freaking wrong... XD*giggling weirdly *

Haha I hope you like my little ship.. I better return the phone or else Maze or Seca will caught me.. Till next time this is Philie ! *vanishes, ninja style!*

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