17 - Baka [Maze]

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Maze : *opens news feed* oh Yume-Kagami has a new story . Hmmmm... Let me see.. Vocaloid x READER..

Aiseca : don't open it. It's says don't read :3 .

Rin : *peeling oranges* Don't read it Maze~~~~

Len : *suddenly appears*~~~don't even try..

Maze : Sheesh.... I have read the three versions ( the classic , Christmas , and Vocaloid versions) and yet nothing happens bad. They're always great!

Aiseca : *sighs* oh dumba** .

Rin : Well open it at your own risk then . * eats oranges*

Yuki : the cover looks suspicious. Don't open it.

Luka : *sharpening the tuna*  Geez, when did Maze learned about danger ( the tuna incident)

Maze : but I don't know it was your tuna . And what the heck are you doing here sharpening da tuna.....

Luka : you'll see soon! *laughs and vanished instantly *

Maze : that's creepy man. Oh well time to read ! *opened the book*

Aiseca : *at the stage* hey Miku, Teto, Neru are you ready guys.

Miku, Teto, Neru : Hai

Maze : Whut the fudge..... I AM TROLLED! *head smoked * Nuuuuuu....

Len : *rolling in the floor laughing * I Knew it is a Trap!

Maze : *sharp looks at Len.* I'll have tge photo of the leek incident don't  celebrate yet .* laughs*

Len : *shocked * oh glob. How did you know?

Maze : Cause I am MAZE! I know what are you doing even when im asleep! *laughs* Say, how does the leek feel?

Len : *freaks out and teleported himself to Ponyland*

Aiseca : Hit it ! *plays Triple Baka*

Maze : *sobs *



I will seize your heart!!

Before I knew it, I was saying "G'morning!" in front of my monitor.

After some time, I began to feel sleepy.

Despite being busy, I, like a spoiled child,

am being drawn in by your tempting words:

"You are really stupid."

"I was seriously trolled!"

When I couldn't make it on time, and didn't know what to do,

rather than coming up with a good solution, I immediately gave up.

Stupid stupid stupid!

What is it that has been motivating you so much?

I start flying towards an unknown world, with my hope.

Stupid stupid stupid!

Don't you still have a lot of things to take care of?

Crying, laughing, getting angry, let me handle all of them!

Aiseca's Voca-Random-Kinda StuffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora