01 - Meet the Creator and the Created

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(Creator's Profile)

Screen Name : MazemasterC

( 迷路マスタークロア )

Age : 20

Hair Color : Black

Eye Color : Brown

Height : 1.77 m *and changing*

Likes : write, travel, random stuff that others find weird.

Hates: technically haters (against other person)

Hobby : cooking ala scientist at my kitchen.

Item : Metal dice, and a flat board *so I can draw maze at it (+.+)*

Favorites: anything that won't annoy me :)

Personality: Unknown like the weather but mostly 88~12 ratio (on the side of goodness)

Catch Phrase: "C'mon show what you can do!" and "Son of a + (food)"

Lunacy Meter: 34 to 88 over 100 ("keep calm" to " rambo " level over "overlord of the underworld" state.

Comments: What a pain I created an OC that much crazier than me (-.-(0

(Created's Profile)

Name : Aiseca Senchineru

(愛の世界 センチネル )

Meaning : world of love sentinel

[Ainosekai Senchineru]

Age : 19

Hair Color : Pink ( normal mode)

Red ( rage mode)

Eye Color : Green ( normal mode)

Blue ( creepy mode )

Obsidian ( rage mode )

Height : 1.63 m

Likes : Blow stuff up, and mess my creator's life :)

Hates: when my plan were foiled and I won't get a dose of CH4 + Coal + Salt ( explosives i short :p)

Hobby : excavating anything *with the power of mah mighty shovel*

Item : Shovel, Spraypaint (a can of illuminating paints is much better), Rainbow Umbrella, High Grade C4 Explosives :D

Favorites: carrots, watermelon, tomato and turnips

Personality : *guess what!* ( deceiving looks) (+.+)

Catch Phrase: "Here comes the Secretary of Chaos" and "Playtime fellas!"

Lunacy Meter: 50 to 91 over 100 ("mild existence" *from SNS* to " Do I Care?" level over "overlord of the underworld" state.

Comments: What a Joy I was created. I can't wait to make........ myself happy! *Grabs the shovel* Hey creator, where are you..... Let's play..

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