45 - Encrypted Message

71 6 5

From :

Your Resident book Creeper, Secretary Aiseca Senchineru.

To :

The Author with a Geass, 14-71-11-14-00-11-07-15-11-01-01-08-41.

I am so happy that 71-99-77-12 11-00-00-99-77-17-07-88 is been 06-03-70-03-07-03-60. The reason is I want you to know that I 03-14-25-71-03-06 you very much that I wanted to 88-70-11-88-41 the good in you. Hope you have a wonderful evening. Take care and remember, I still 111-11-70-00-41-01-14-66 71-99-77-21 777-99-25-03-777-03-14-71.

Respectively yours,

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