76 - Two Weeks at Maze's [ 2 ]

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Day 1 of 10 ✱Fishing with Philie ✱

**Vocesai Dock, set from How to be a Star**

(A day before Luka's Birthday)

Len : *walking* oh geez why Philie? I mean I can be with Miku or Kaito or Yuuma in the sea even for a month! Dang, im so supposed to be with Kaito right now. *sees the boat *

Philie : *sitting in the front deck with shades* Yo!

Len : *nervous smile* eh--ehe! Hi!

Philie : are you the one that come with me to go fishing?

Len : *nodded*

Philie : *removes the shades* well it's great then, hop in!

Len : *walking in* Well this is quite strange... The last time we're at the hospital, she gone nuts... Maybe this will work out fine. *smiles * Thank you, Miss Philie!

Philie : *curse glare* What teh heck did you say? "Miss Philie?" *throws jackfruit at Len's face* oh no lil' Len, your SPICE! moves has no effect at me. Just do what you need to do and you'll be fine at mah ship, DA MIGHTY SS KISEKI BAKA!

Len : *removed the jackfruit on his face* ugh..... O-kay.. no more spices... just the average Len. *passed out*

Philie : *starts the boat* great then. Its FISHING TIME! *plays Too Legit to Quit * wohooo! *sails out* This is the life!

~~~~~≥ after 2 hours, in the middle of the sea≤~~~~~

Len : *wakes up* ugh.... Philie?

Philie : *holding with a bamboo fishing rod* Oh you're awake.

Len : Yeah.. As you can see!

Philie : start fishing now! *points at the blue icebox *

Len : *walking in the icebox* what are we catching anyway?

Philie : anything, I guess? *reels in, catched a big headed carp*

Len : *sees the carp* oh.... Okay. *opened the icebox, sees a chunk of raw meat * uhm..Philie?

Philie : *draws line again* Yeah?

Len : *lifting the meat* uhm... What is this meat doing here?

Philie : that's a bait! *reels in again, dumped a vampire squid at the boat* for the fish!

*the vampire squid takles Len*

Len : *mumbling* get this f****** squid off me! *screaming * it's slimy and soo grooossss!

Philie : *wrestles the squid hard core*

*the squid died *

Len : *quivering * eeeewww! That stinky squid! *whacks the dead squid with the fishing pole*

Philie : Whut the puck Len! Thats not for whacking thats for..

*fishing rod breaks *

Len : *nervous smile* ehhh... Oops?

Philie : *draws line again* oh great you broke your rod and you didn't yet catched even a single small goldfish!

Len : did you have any spare rods there?

Philie : nope! *reels in, dumped a mackerel at the boat* put those catch in the icebox Len!

Len : *puts the carp, squid and the mackerel in the icebox* how am I gonna fish now?

Philie : *draws the line again* I know what's the right thing to do *evil laugh*

Len : oh.... No.... Philie.....

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