49 - How my Weird Fanfics Come to Life

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Maze : Okay maybe it's the right time to tell things. First off the title. "How my Weird Fanfics Come to Life?"

Well in that case its really weird because this part I'll explain some of it:

Expected Questions on

♛ How to be a Star | Yowane Haku's Voyakiloid FanFic

❔Q1:- How the heck Yowane Haku got to be the protagonist in How to be a Star when the title itself is somewhat conflict on Haku's descriptions in the web. [On her page she was described as a failure and awful singer.]

⚡A1:- We'll the reason for it is also because of the description. I want to made Haku the rising star on that book. Besides, Haku is not that bad in terms of singing. And what's not to like on her anyway. (u.u)/*

❔Q2:- Why Haku's Fanfic Book entitled How to be a Star? Haku is a failure you moron!

⚡A2:- Well what I can say to that is you're a moron too if you 'only' think Haku can't pull off a good story. We'll about the title, it truly contradiction to Haku. What I can say to that is pretty spot on. How to be a Star, yo ne?

❔Q3:- Miku or IA or other popular Vocaloids fit for the storyline and not Haku.

⚡A3:- Ugh... At that topic, yeah, I've considered it also but I remembered something... I've seen massive FanFictions about them.( Yeah Miku is a singing goddess and IA is killing random persons .) . So as a small Fanfic writer, a crappy dust writer if you allow, why can I try ro break the monopoly of books and try mah own style being Haku as the Main character. Besides, I can't see Miku or IA or anyone else for the role.. (IA and Miku are already killing people on other books I saw).

❔Q4:- The storyline is boring cause I can't see Ships that happens. Most of all I can't feel it. Its too damn boooriing.!

⚡A4:- Well my comment on that is if your looking for smoochin' stuff, love wars and sexualized storylines, well stay away now at mah books. Anyway I didn't force people to read my stories. Secondly, if you dont feel the story, stop reading it, Period.

❔Q5:- Cussing Issues.

⚡A5:- Hmm.. This is really getting my nerves on this one. I am holding back in terms of using strong and profane words cause I want to make stories just hovering at PG13 cat. Trust me if I spill it all out, all of my Vocaloid Fanfics would be filled with asterisks and that is a awful story. Majority is 18 below so I try not to use it as I can.

Expected Questions on

♛ 401 File Not Found | Kasane Teto's Utauloid FanFic

❔Q1:- Why you make a Teto horror book?

⚡A1:- The idea came into me in pieces, literally.

a.) I found a weird cover of Teto all gray (thats the current cover of 401).

b.) Teto is called a "fake diva" ,so I set a storyline around it and 401 is the result.

c.) I tripped on a Vocaloid CP book.

d.) I remember a network code.

e.) Teto fits the bill in being the Main character.

f.) I like Teto. (Cause of the drills XD)

g.) Namine Ritsu's song : Declare War on All Vocaloids

❔Q2:- Title.

⚡A2:- Blame it on the network code. 404 is File not found. 401 is bad gateway. Teto's number is 0401 so i put together those two shiz and prezto . The horror cover is born 401 (Teto's Number) File Not Found ( Network slang thats pretty self explanatory )

❔Q3:- Miku as the Bad Guy in the story.

⚡A3:- I blame the song "Bad End Night".

❔Q4:- Why the Main Character is an Utau, not a Vocaloid.

⚡A4:- Cause I like flipping things up. And Teto is thw pioneer (or flag bearer) of why Utau was recognized.

❔Q5: The first parts of the story isn't horror, dummy! Why?

⚡A5:- The first part is meant to set up the atmosphere why it became a horror book. Trust me when the gruesomeness starts, you'll be shocked on whats gonna happen. : ) . Besides if I start the chapter on killings straight away, I am then obliged to insert unnecessary "flashbacks and realizations" across the pages. So the first part is important even it is not that creepy-kinda.

Expected Questions on

♛ Error | Maika's Vocaloid FanFic

❔Q1: Error is not a love song, then why the puck do a romantic one under that title?

⚡A1: Because I do FanFictions mah style. On some serious shiz, I am aware that Error is not a love song (but I do composed a love song version of it especially for that book and it sounds so freaking great. It made me cry alot..) I have written a love song version of Error and I will post it here later.

❔Q2: Of all the freaking Vocaloids that you can choose from, why Maika?

⚡A2: Simple answer, she is the perfect Main Character for the piece. Next this is "maybe" a first FanFiction featuring Maika as Main. Thirdly, Wattpad is flooded with common Vocaloids. Fourth reason Maika is not that popular. Lastly, she is Freaking Beautiful and Awesome!

❔Q3: Where on Earth do you get the inspiration to do a Maika FanFiction?

⚡A3: Just like what happened on the other two, it just sparking out of my mind.. Truly magical.

❔Q4: What is the difference of this to the other two?

⚡A4: Well, this romance kinda. (Idk). Next is a Virtual-Reality realm scenes. Thats all no more spoiling : )

❔Q5: Why Yohioloid's name in the story is Yohio Kagamine? And why the puck Rin and Len are his other siblings?

⚡A5: Its because of the hair, that's why....

Maze : Dang man this is quite long... I wanted to explain the other but writing this with only 3 stories is kinda long so yeah.. This will do : ) . Hope dear readers use this as reference on why my fanfics are quite different.

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