46 - Coffee

70 7 4

**Da base**

Maze : *writing 401* Can someone made me a coffee?

Oliver : *runs on the kitchen* I'll do it, I'll do it.

Maze : thanks!

Oliver : *comes back with a hot coffee* Here! *puts down *

Maze : *drinks the coffee. Face turned purple * what the Puck Ollie?

Oliver : whaaaa?

Maze : why is this coffee tastes like wood termites?

Oliver: I don't know?

Human James : *walks in* guys? Dis you see my Termite Jar?

Oliver : ( o.o)*oops.... I thought it was Brown Sugar.....

James & Maze : *facepalms*


Note : my coffee that time really tastes termites (same flavor like tamarind)..  Ughhh....

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