93 - What I've Learned..

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Aiseca : Random things that I've learned from creeping..

What I've learned to the following persons (try to guess if you want based on what titles I gave to them) :

The Moon Bear of the Forbidden Catacombs.
spun, rolls, coffee, moonlight and sunlight, curling on knees.

The Seeker of the Illusive Dimensions. (Yume)
bishes, shizzes and weirdness.

The Guardian of the Fallen City.
learn to fight when all of the nightmares became reality. Just fight. Kill and destroy. Purple Heart.

The Wanderer of the Zephyr's Edge.
I'm useless compared to her. A living evidence that I'm indeed a trash. "Silver".

The Rogue of the Monochromed Castle.
muttering. Blue. Red. Palette.

The Hunter of the Droughtlands.
she made distance literal. So sad. And infuriating.

The Monolith of the Sulphur Archipelago.
bolted. Tacos. B**********. Light year freak.

The Transcriber of the Gelkmaros Canyon.
believe that anything is attainable with hard work.

The Mistress of the Divine Fortress.
can tell a story while travelling 'up'

The Geass of the Deceivers Parasol.
I learned to hate someone. Summer part, flashback, wrongdoing.

The Stratus of the Pandemonium.
meet the other side beside goodness. And her dragon.


Aiseca's Voca-Random-Kinda StuffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon