52 - Maintenance Check

63 6 1

**Da Base**

Aiseca : All of you get out of the building now!

Ann : What happened, Seca?

Aiseca : someone screwed our signal tower up there. We need to fix that up for a while.

Mizki : So it means we're out of business here for a while then.

Maze : Yup *nods*

Teto : Including my book ?

Maze : yup.

Teto : *rides her bread mobile. Zooms off crying *

Maika : *approached*

Maze : Yep. You too Maika.

Maika : *teleported somewhere *

Haku : Don't you tell me.....

Aiseca : *stares*

Haku : Ugh.......

Meiko : *patted Haku's back* Let's just drink that out for a while buddy ..

Haku : *nods then went away *

Aiseca : *sighs* even mah book needs to stop for a bit. Danggit!

Maze : We'll we have no choice, Seca... We need to fix that up i guess..

Aiseca : *glares* What do you mean us? I have to dig mah way to Japan first.

Maze : *sighs* oh well. *facepalms*

Aiseca : *holding a shovel * who wants to join meh!*

Everyone else : *joins in. Starts digging down to Japan *

Maze : *sees Len, Rin* get somewhere else. We have no work for days..

Rin and Len : *went out*

Maze : *sees Yuuma and Kaito * hey you two! Go back "there". Maybe someone needs you!

Yuuma & Kaito : *storms off*

Maze : * sees Oliver, Ryuto * fo somewhere else for a while *gives them one box of gold coins*

Oliver : Yay! *disappeared with Ryuto*

Maze : *alone* ah.... Sheesh.. I need to know what the heck happened.. *sees Gumi, Gakupo and Miki fleeing *

Gumi, Gakupo, Miki : *turns back*

Maze : Get back here.. We got a signal tower to investigate!

Gumi, Gakupo, Miki : * sighs*


(created : January 17 2015 | 9:07 PM | PST)

Maze : since the signal here really slow (barely has, barely moving) all books are under temporary shutdown (even this book) until the signal went fine. For the days that we will be off here, well fix the signal tower for a while. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Books affected of the Shutdown:

401 - File Not Found

How to be a Star

Aiseca's Closet


Journeys in Xenegosa

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