51 - A Letter to Fluffy

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  • Dedicat lui The Fluffiest of all the Colors, FluffyAlicorn12


Your Resident Book Creeper, Secretary Aiseca Senchineru.

To :

The Fluffiest of All The Colors, FluffyAlicorn12.

Dear Fluffy,

First of all, why you unpublished the LeTrueHero? I'm creeping at it and it's a great book.

Secondly, don't tell to yourself that you're not that good in le writing stories, cause I'm more terrible than you. I admire your writing style because I know that I'm weak at that type of storytelling (well I'm not that bad in 3rd person and yeah I suck at 1st person POV).

Thirdly, I crept already on one of "leauthor's" famous book. Guess what I've found, le author doesn't use a single POV in that book and it is frigging confusing! Another is that even it has 100+ "Chaps" , its kinda spacious(on mah opinion) 6 air flips and poof done.

Fourth, don't bother leauthor . You can't (I include mahself) I mean we can't compare our works to leauthor cause:

1. leauthor has a truckload of followers.

2. leauthor is doing a "popular" shizzes.

3. You are a great author at your respective place.

4. leauthor is doing shiz to please, not shiz to inspire like you do on yah works.

5. leauthor is full of crappie. (Thats mah opinion.)

6. Do not lose your "ability power" in making great fanfics. We're on your side :)

7. I do 3rd person, you do great 2nd/1st person. leauthor uses all three thats why leauthor's "legendary book" is full of crapoliness! (mah opinion again).

8. Don't underestimate too fast your works, it hurts me (as your fan).

9. You're one of teh reasons why I write mah books.

10. Never compare "a humble shiny pebble" with "a roughly faced boulder". It's too unbalanced. Being you as the shiny pebble and leauthoras the rough face.

Lastly, we have our own styles at writing so screw leauthor, even leauthor is popular, I don't give a glob at him. Afterall we're all teh same writers, the only difference is leauthor is "forced to please" and we're free roamers at our own shizzes.

---Don't tell me what I want to hear instead tell me  what I need to know.

Always at your creeping services, yours truly,

Secretary of Chaos  Aiseca Senchineru

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