83 - Top 10 Vocaloid Songs [ A and B ]

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Aiseca : oh well another nomination hath come onto the Secretary. So yeah. Let's do this. You see the title was labeled "A and B" that's intended to show the two sides of mah top 10 ; )

Okay let's start the first 10

A. Light List

1. Clockwise

2. Tell Your World

3. Happy Synthesizer

4. Satellite

5. Cat Food

6. Chalk

7. Last Night, Good Night

8. First Love Academy

9. Fire Flower

10. Hirari, Hirari

And yes these next ten are included.

B. Dark List

1. Echo (in da media box)

2. Game of Life

3. Karakuri Burst

4. Error

5. Bad End Night

6. Jinzou Enemy

7. Matryoshka

8. Uninstall

9. Suicide Song (replacement to Bad Apple, corrected by Ya_Serious)

10. Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story

I thought of putting a third one but.....

....I remembered that the third one was the most sickening top ten songs so yeah.. That two would do.

And all that things sorted. It is done!

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