31 - Appreciation [ All ] (2015 Count Down)

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*** Maika's NoteAiseca told us that an angel told her not to cut herself , so she cuts the watermelon instead.***

---Outside MazemasterC Building---

Aiseca : *tied in a post* what the heck are you doing to me!!

Maze : Since you are out of your coconut, we are in charge for this part. Just stay cool there as we make this part.

Aiseca : how can I stay cool tied here when you tied me near the flames you Baka! *struggling to escape*

Maze : Since Aiseca is no help for this part, we apologize on those person who see the death note of Aiseca. *deletes the note* Anyway, we're just wanna say a good and happy New Year to those people (and non-people) all over the universe. *taped Aiseca's mouth*

Aiseca :    : X *mumbling *

Iroha : Yay! *throws speakers to Maze* HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Maze : hey ! Don't frecking throw those speakers to me!

Iroha : *picks up the speakers again* Sorry....

Momone :  So let's start!

Maze : *picking a book* Okay .. Okay.... Ill do it first..


Ako po ay bumabati sa inyo ng isang masaya at magandang bagong taon sa inyong lahat!

Maze : *gives the book to Maika..*

Maika : *gets the book*

[ Catalan ]

Sóc et desitgem un feliç any nou i bo per a tots vostès !

Maze : ........

Teto : ......

Maze : I have no idea she's that great at catalan.

Maika : thanks * hands the book to Teto*

Teto : my turn~~~~♪

[ Norwegian]

Jeg er ønsker deg et lykkelig og godt nytt år til dere alle !

Maika : just wow...

Teto : Oh well * throws the book to Hibiki Lui*

Lui : *looking at Teto * HEY!

Teto : (:p)

Lui : Ugh.......*removed the book on his face*

[ Mandarin ]


Maze : *jawdrops*

Iroha : *fixes Maze's jaw*

Lui : Your next! *gives the book to Iroha*

Iroha : thanks Lui!

[ Japanese ]

Watashi wa anata no subete o nozomu anata ga shiawase to yoi shin'nendesu!


Iroha : Neru-san~~~♪*passes the book*

Maze : *scratching head* what language does Neru will speak?

Maika : I don't have an idea papa.

Maze : *looks at Maika*.....

Maika : .........

Maze : did you just call me papa?

Maika : (0////0)

Neru : sheesh...


Я поздравляет Вассчастливыми и хорошо новым годом вас всех !

Everyone : ( 0.0)

Neru : that's how you do it guys! BAM!* thows the book to SeeU*

SeeU : *alley hooped the book. Still in ghetto attire *Yo! Mah turn Nigga!

Maze : *sighs* will she ever learn *

[ Korean ]

여러분 모두 소원 당신에게 행복하고 좋은 새해 를 해요!

SeeU : *dunks the book to Ted* Ur next Homie!

Ted : thanks! *catches the book *

[ Italian ]

Sono vi augura un felice e buon anno nuovo a tutti voi !

Maika : (♥.♥)

Momone : ( ♥.♥)

Maze : ( ♥.♥)

Maika & Momone : Dafuq?

Maze : wha......! (0//////0)

Ted : Hey Haku! *passes the book*

Haku : thanks man!

[ English ]

I am wishing you a happy and good new year to all of you!

Haku : *returned the book to Maze *

Maze : at least it was done peacefully.

All : From Aiseca's Closet, we wish you a freaking happy new year!

SeeU : Yo!

Aiseca's Voca-Random-Kinda StuffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ