02 - It's in the Bag !

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***Conference room. Casting of How to be a Star*****

Aiseca : Hey Maze, the scripts we're done! *hands the books*

Maze : * sharp look at Aiseca *

Aiseca : Whut?

Maze : Thanks *walks in with confidence*

****in the room ****

Maze : So I decided to make a vocaloid fanfic!: ) Here are the scripts *slids the books to them* please open and study your character very well and see ya in the field tomorrow!

Cast : Hai! (^.^)Y

Haku : What the pack was that guy was thinking? *twitching eyebrow* He wants me to wear Gumi's outfit!

Gumi : * reads her script then ....sighed * Oh well... (0.0)

Akiko-Chan : *whispers to Kaito * turn the page to 26. You'll see it.

Kaito : *flips to page 26* What the ......

**** the next day, taping of "Numbness" scene****

Maze : Numbness. Scene 55.* with megaphone * Action!

Haku: *bows* Thank you that you make me feel that my fight to be a better person isn't finished yet.

Akiko-Chan : *moves back a bit * See? You look beautiful when you smile.

Kaito : *sweatdrop* Now, remember to smile and never give up and feel free to visit us here when you needed, o-o-okay?".

Maze : *directing behind the scene* well that's strange. I didn't put a sweatdrop action at that part.

Gumi : (.°°)›(°°.) * whispers to Kaito * It's in the bag...Kaito ...faster. Finish the scene.

Maze : Caaaaaat! Gumi what the heck are you whisphering to Kaito? (-.-)*

Akiko-Chan : *hides* um....

Gumi : It's in the bag ....

Maze : What's in the freaking carrot bag? *confused *

Gumi : uhm..... *hides with Akiko *

Haku: * annoyed * Do I need to know something else?

Maze : Gimme' that *grabs bag from Haku * Oh its just .......* beeps then kaboom! C4 exploded in the face.

Gumi : Sorry.....

Aiseca : *walking in, clapping* Bravo! Bravo! Good take. *laughs hard* (+.+)//*

Maze : *rage mode * Darn you 'SECA!!!!

Aiseca : (^...^) hey wanna cooldown a bit? Here catch this.. *tosses a watermelon* /( ° •°)/ O

Maze : *watermelon exploded on the face * ., (-.-)× DAARN YOU!!

*Aiseca rotf *


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