28 - Ice Bucket Challenge [ Aiseca S. ]

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***Teal Bridge, Set of How to be a Star for Part 9: Rendezvoused****

Aiseca : *checking the notifs...* oh they want me to do the ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE.

Kaito : *popped in * Did somebody said Ice cream?

Aiseca : *kicks Kaito off* It's not Ice Cream you Freak! It's an ice bucket challenge.!

Maze : did somebody said Ice Bucket Challenge.? * crazy smile*

Aiseca : *sighs* Yeah. And the worst part is I'm the one that's gonna do it ... Sheesh...

Maze : *laughs * At least not me. Heheh oh well *shouts * Hey Len!

Len : *comes in in a commando attire * Sir! Yes, Sir!

Maze : Grab the rope, the ice box and the water dispenser, we proceed to OPERATION : ICE BUCKET!

Len : affirmative sir! *leaves*

------ after Aiseca's been tied on an "I beam " of the bridge. ----------

(Maze is holding a 2 gallon cold water with ice cubes behind Aiseca. Len is taking a video...)

Aiseca : *looking at the straps* why am I gonna tied like these? *evil stare to Len* you've watched it don't ya len ?

Len : *obviously lying * Uhm..... No....*blushes *

Maze : are you freaking ready? *holding the bucket *

Len : *suspicious laugh* Ready~~~~~♪

Aiseca : *closes eyes* Bring it!

Maze : Soory ....*pours down the water*

Aiseca : *wet and shivering * oh...... it's f------re--aking co-co-cold..ITS FREAKIIIIIING COOOOOLLLDDD!

Maze : *removing the straps* are you alright? Seca?

Len : * Blushing. Hardcore giggling*

Aiseca : *evil stare to Len* what the heck are you looking at ..?

Len : *slips* your boobs? *doomed face* oops..

Maze : ......*evil stare to Len*

Aiseca : *evil stare to Len*

Len : *starts to run*

Aiseca : *in flames. Dried instantly * YOU PERV!.... YOU. ARE. DEAD! *calls her phone*

Aiseca's Phone : *goes out of her bag, barking *

Aiseca : *still in flames. Pointing to Len* GET HIM!

Aiseca's Phone : *barks and chases Len*

Maze : *Offers a slice of cold watermelon * Hey Seca, wanna cooldown a bit?

Aiseca : Thanks * gets the watermelon, bites* .

Maze : *smiles* You're welcome. Seca.

Aiseca : Still, I challenge you to do it also!

Maze : eh *sweatdrops*

Len : *screaming in a distance, attacked by Aiseca's Phone * Gyaaaaaaa.......M-------y Butt!

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