55 - In Just 12 Hours

46 6 5

Maze : a mixed reactions on what happened in just half a day....

**made a double update of How to be a Star**

Maze : *facepalms* oh my glob what I have done! I made a ship that needs wheels to sail.. Oh......no... (Kaito[21] x Tei[20])

Aiseca : if Miku, Meiko or Luka finds that out, they're gonna flip out..

Maze : ugh... *hides the books *

**a little later, updated 401**

Maze : *faceplant* Im already at sixth part and yet it still in chapter 1 (thats what I told you Fluffy, da 72 flips). The Kagamine Twins supposedly show in that part *headsmoke* ugh..

**in the morning. Reopened the tower**

Aiseca : oh mah glob.. Somebody voted at mah mini-scifi! *checks profile*

**user has a ton of great books, has many votes and followers**

Aiseca : oh glob *fainted*

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