26 - The Message [ Before the Taping]

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Aiseca : Uhmmmm... How can we start saying thank you to all the people (and non-people) out there who manages to read this book.?

Maze : *contacting the vocaloids* Darn it! I can't contact the Vocaloids. Probably they're somewhere doing the same thing... *annoyed throwing the phone out * maybe on some other book..I quit doing dis freaking part. Im gonna gone to sleep this....

Aiseca : we can't give up, Maze! *serious * We build this book together with them.! * tackles Maze hardcore * WE JUST CAN'T SAY QUIIIIIT YOU BAKA! *cracks a watermelon on Maze's head*

Maze : *shoves off Aiseca. Walks away * Sheesh .. Aiseca please stop it. You're hurting both of us.. *Maze's phone returned, hits Maze's face* man that was too literal..

*Somebody walked in*

Teto : Hey guys? Is there any probs?

Aiseca : Yeah.. *cleaning da mess* Maze is quitting doing dis chap.

Momone : You just can't quit that in a snap! *snaps fingers like a boss *

Teto : "(¬_¬ )"

Aiseca : j(¬_¬ )j

Momone : ( ( ̄m ̄〃) Okay okay... Calm down ...

Maze : (-.-) *sighs* oh well at least I have you guys.. At least we have someone who would do what the Vocaloids should have done in this freaking moment.

* goes back to da lounge. Sits * so guys how many peepz are here with us Seca?

Aiseca : hmm we have Teto, Tei, Ritsu, Momone, Riza, Ted, Haku, Neru, Hibiki, Maika, Leon, Lola, Ann and Iroha.

Maze : so plus us ... 15 right?

Aiseca : Yup.....

Maze : hand them the papers and we rehearse now......

**to be Continued..***


Note :

Due to freaking errors that happened, this was re-posted hoping it would work .....

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