03 - Want a Sushi?

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******MazemasterC's office*******

~~~kitchen, 2 hours before lunchtime

Maze : Say, so what food we gonna cook today?

Aiseca : ('.')\ *thinks* How about Japanese foods?

Maze : (®.®) *nodded * Okay. So- what Japanese foods?

Aiseca : *looks at Akiko-Chan's foodguide* hm...... sushi and takoyaki and some sandwich.

Maze : (^_^) Oh that would be great dishes. Okay please get these ingredients at the market *gives the shopping list* and we'll start cookin'

Aiseca : *receives the list * Okay. *leaves *

*walks outside. Teto see her*

Teto : ''(°.°)"/ * waves at Aiseca * hello 'Seca

Aiseca : Hello Teto!

Teto : whats in the menu?

Aiseca : *gives list to Teto * Uhm.... Sushi, takoyaki and sandwich.

Teto : *excited * Can I come with you to the market? Please! Please!

Aiseca :(-.-) * sighed* Okay.

They went to da market. They get all the ingredients except the fish..

***** hallway, walking back to the kitchen*****

Teto : Lets say to Maze, don't do the sushi anymore just do something else....*insert self suggestion* how bout frenchbread ?

Aiseca : (• •) * creepy stare to Teto * NO!

Teto: Uhmmmm....*thinks an idea , gets the shopping bag and went somewhere.*

~after 3 minutes-----

Teto : * gives the bag with a fishtail sticking out* Done !

Aiseca : Good

~~~ Maze cooked the dishes then served to the vocaloids

Miku : *sparkling eyes * Ohhh my favorite , takoyaki with leek bits.

*everyone eats*

Luka : Oishi! (Delicious!) (^_^)

Maze : I'm glad that you liked my dishes. (^.^)

Miku : What was the main ingredient you use Maze?

Maze : * says proudly * it's Tuna.....It's quite unique cause it is pink finned.

*everyone stares at Maze with awkward silence *

Luka : ([•.•]) * drops the chopsticks* You.....you killed my ....my * big voice plus goes titan * MY TUUUUUUUUNNNNAAAA!!!

Maze: Oh Crap...... *

~~~Luka chases and beat Maze all day.


The next morning at the kitchen.....

Aiseca : *grins* Say, want a sushi * gives tuna sushi to Maze*

Maze : (0.0) Aaaaaaaahhhh . I better eat my socks than that .....waaaaa * walks out of the kitchen hands up like a paranoid *


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