11 - The Bread Show!

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**Studio 401 , MazemasterC's Building ***

Ted : It's time for the tastiest shown on da planet! It's ti–––me for The Bread Show with Kasane Teto! And now here's your host, the master of bread, Kasane Teto....

Teto : * comes out from a huge rainbow cupcake * "(^.^)"/  Hello viewers and welcome to the most awesome show on UTAU Cable, ~much better than Miku's Leek Show.....

Miku: §-.-§ *throws a leek to Teto* Leeks are more awesome than your bread !

Teto: *Leek dodged * Shut up Miku! *sharp stare then wears red sunglasses * you're at my show. It's payback time.

Miku : ugh......* angry *

Teto & Audience : .....The Bread Show!

Teto : For todays bake–off we have our six competitors divided into pairs. Ted introduce the lucky contestants!

Ted : Thanks Teto! [©.©] *sitting high on a french fries stick * Our first pair loves leeks and tuna. Give a round of applause for Miku Hatsune and Megurine Luka!

Audience : *applauded*

Our second pair said that they're the perfect team for the show. Let's welcome A2 Miki and Riza Sotone!

Audience : *applauded*

And last but not the least, uhmmmm... I don't know what to say. But I hope they know they're on a competition, Akita Neru and Yowane Haku!

Haku : *raises both hands and throws a bottle* wohoooo!

Neru : *texting *

Ted : uhhh... Back to you Teto .

Teto : So this what you gonna do. All teams must create a magnificent bread. It's up to you what kind or type, just make your top notch breads. You only have one hour to make it. Some of the ingredients are already at your stations.

Miku : §•.•§ *whispers to Luka* sheesh. It's not that hard anyway.

Luka : *nodded *

Teto : Oh, before I forgot Miku and Luka will have an advantage....

Miku : Really *then sarcastic stare*

Teto : they will have a 30 minute penalty *troll face*

Miku : ugh.... I knew it! Its because of the leek, doesn't it?

Teto :  Do I Care? It's Baking time! *1 hour countdown starts*

°°° after 25 minutes °°°°

Station 1 :

Luka : get the bread out of the oven.

Miku : okay okay.....

Luka : *looking at the bread with a raised eyebrow* is this really gonna work?

Miku : *raises  a leek * Leek God will guide us don't worry. We'll win this one.

Station 2 :

Riza : Hey Miki put the filling in before we put it in the oven..

Miki : *carrying the filling* okay...

Station 3 :

A long bread was at the table. Teto approached.

Teto : are you guys gonna make bread or what?

Haku : *drinking saké* are you nuts? We gonna make a bread.

Neru : *still texting * dont even bother asking....

°° after 45 minutes °°

Miku and Luka are done.

Station 2 :

Finished baking and starting to decorate thier bake.

Station 3 :

Haku is dancing wildly and still drinking,  Neru is still texting.

*last 2 minutes*

Station 1 & 2 are done.

Riza : at last we're gonna win! The other teams sucks at this hahah!

Miku : *pointing leek at Riza*  I heard that! We're gonna win this!

On the last ten seconds, Neru placed the bread in a basket and put a moustache.

Riza : * laughs hard pointing at the bread* what the heck! This is not art show kiddo'

Neru : *still texting *

Teto : Time is up. It's time to judge their work!

*moved at station 1*

Teto : *lowers her sunglasses* really Miku? And what do you call this bread?

Luka : this is a leek encrusted bread with tuna filling.

Teto : Having a bread with tuna filling doesn't mean you're gonna put the whole tuna between the bread. "(-.-)"

*moves to station 2*

Teto : Oh .... And what do you call this?

Miki : A pie, cherry pie.

Teto : Riza, if you gonna make a pie make it round not like a pi sign [π] . Please could you forget mathematics even for a day.

*moved at station 3*

Teto : After one hour, this freaking bread with a moustache is only you've created?

Neru : *still texting * yeah . So what?

Haku : *drunk* just look at the name on the basket.. * drops and went to sleep *

Teto : *looks at the basket* oh..right...


°  after the deliberation°

Teto : And the winner of this bake off is Haku and Neru!

Riza : WTH! How on the freaking Earth could that moustached bread be the winner?

Miku : *in flames* ugh..... I shouldn't join here at the first place.

Teto : *smirks * but you do . Miku......~~~~

Miki : What bread did Station 3 made?

Teto : They made a FRENCH BREAD.

Miku : .........

Luka : *sighs*

Riza : *doomed in a corner*

Miki : Great Job Neru!

Neru : *still texting * thanks Miki.

Haku : *asleep * zzzzz.....

Ted : I think our time for the show is almost done.. Until next time, here on Utau Cable Mondays to Thursdays. The Bread Show with Kasane Teto! See you next episode!

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